Yeah...there was intention to do it...but he only stop because it was 'no fun' since MC called out ML's name. He ruined the mood and the boss would continue. With him sexually harassing an unknowing man as well, this guy is a predator.
People are defending him because it is fiction and somehow that justifies them saying 'it is just touching'. I have been going around sharing my experiences and how I dont support this because I want people that experience this to feel that we support them in real life nor fiction as it is not acceptable in anyway to have this skewed belief

I am not even kidding.
In Legs Which Cannot Walk multiple people defended minhyuk's assault as just feeling MC up a little and that he stopped himself. They said MC wouldn't know anyways so why should we villianize Minhyuk for a little touching.
This exact same phrase was used in one of the comment I replied to under this story. It is unacceptable. Some people can differ from fiction but there is no need to defend the fictitious work and its depiction of harassment and assault