You can't give consent while you are asleep, and if even if she did enjoy it and wasn't mad that is still sexual assault. The body can still feel pleasure even if you don't want it. She never gave her consent before saying she was okay with him feeling her up when she's asleep. You might not be mad or upset that you're partner did that but that still doesn't make it illegal.
So if this happens and I decided I wasn’t sexually assaulted your telling me I was still sexually assaulted. This has happened to me and I was fine with it and me and my partner discussed it after I’ve been sexually assaulted before and trust me I remember the fear and I know the difference. This also happened to my friend and in the moment she liked it but then later said she didn’t and told her partner it has never happened again she herself doesn’t feel assaulted as well. Don’t push trauma and assault onto everything and everyone it’s no ones place expect the person it happened to who can decide whether it was assault or not in both the novel and raws she doesn’t think it’s wrong I’m not saying consent isn’t important it’s the most important thing in communication things aren’t black and white if someone’s says they were assaulted then case closed they were assaulted but there’s also people who can with a clear mind decide they also weren’t assaulted
If you were fine with it then its not, the point is that if you (or lucia) had not been okay with it you could rightfully get mad and even press charges. Its best to not encourage this behavior and see it as completely fine, you have to know the boundaries of your partner and have that conversation with them, which they never had in this webtoon. There are few webtoons/mangas that actually include the conversation of consenting to their partner doing foreplay while their alseep.
I never once said what your trying to talk about in my original post I say the same thing in different words you just said my whole point was there is cases where it is sexual assault but there is also cases where it isn’t and people have the right to decide that I never once encouraged it if rape or sexual assault actually happened here I would say it was that
I'm talking more about people who are salivating to see any smut that they think that this is okay even though its not. You give good points about needing to talk it out but the characters never do and yet you still agree that it was okay. That chapter was just uncomfortable to read and I dont see why Hue (?) has to wake her up in such a manner when he could've easily just woken her normally. He's not thinking of her, he's thinking of it was rude of her to not be awake when he arrived. Its nothing against the kink just the situation.
I only said it was okay because I also mentioned I read the novel and saw the raws the character thought it was okay that’s why I acknowledged that no other reason. There is a lot of other ways this situation could have happened no denying that but to say it’s sexual assault when something isn’t is what I was calling concerning
You clearly see this as assault so I can’t change your mind on that but please don’t twist my words it fit that narrative all I was saying is that sexual assault isn’t a simple topic and people have the choice to say somethings not assault in this case no assault occurred but if a reader thinks it’s that no one can change their mind
It’s honestly cornering how easily some people are throwing around the words rape and sexual assault we don’t know their kinks or boundaries. If your partner wanted to try something with you or surprise you and you didn’t like it or felt assaulted then your completely justified and Im so sorry if this has happened to anyone else I’ve had some situations but I’ve managed to get out of them but please don’t push assault onto other people or their relationships. Relationships themselves aren’t black and white if your partner does something that scares you or you don’t like tell them if they continue to do it then of course it’s wrong and it’s assault. She enjoyed it we can literally see that and she wasn’t shocked while waking or mad about this event at all from the novel or the raws sexual assault and rape are very important and consent is the most important things but you can’t put all sexual things under the same viewpoint im not trying to downplay anyone’s pain or assault I’m just saying this isn’t a situation where sexual assault happened if she didn’t like it and was clearly upset I’d say it was assault and if she decided to wake him up with a blowjob it would be the same situation