So why do Japanese hate single mothers?They are always portrayed as abusive, drunks, and p...

Pomegranate July 20, 2021 10:02 pm

So why do Japanese hate single mothers?They are always portrayed as abusive, drunks, and prostitutes( not a bad thing ) I’m just asking

    Lovlis July 20, 2021 10:24 pm

    not necessarily hate, but it is considered shameful in japan, probably among some older people. That's to do with a general traditionalist culture that cares about appearances.

    Oh_Doppio July 20, 2021 10:29 pm

    I’ve read quite a few manga with single mothers that were portrayed in a positive light! Erased, for example, is a really good one! :))

    sam July 20, 2021 10:32 pm

    misogyny. most authors and anime directors are males. japan has a patriarchal society, they seem to push the responsibilities for their children on the mothers especially in divorces. it's a struggle for women to get high paying jobs there according to many statistics. they tend to get paid not as much. it seems like they associate poor people with delinquent behaviors since that looks like a common trend everywhere. gangs, prostitutes, abusive and drunks, are common themes in poverty suffering people all over the world. prostitutes, females who are desperate and willing to do anything for money will do these. i don't shame that, i find it normal since im north american and we young adults consider sex work as a normal thing. poor people also try to ease their experiences by getting drunk and this could lead to psychotic problems such as toxic abusive behaviors by unleashing their stress to their children and other people. anyways, this was a whole thesis LMAO

    sam July 20, 2021 10:37 pm

    ^^^ many of these are the result of conservative views aligning with buddhism and confucianism. young people in japan, seems to understand the situations of single moms since they're the ones experiencing the backlash of it. divorce rates in japan are increasing a lot, it's kinda more common than you'd think.

    Pomegranate July 20, 2021 11:14 pm

    Thanks guys I was just wondering. My mom is a sing mom.