not yall saying they are transgender. this is crossdressing. yall really need to educate y...

ushijima'sthickthighs July 20, 2021 5:07 pm

not yall saying they are transgender. this is crossdressing. yall really need to educate yourselves before saying shit

    Jasper July 21, 2021 11:44 pm

    Tbh i was confused because the Titties..they look so real how
    Like how did he do dat?!?

    Hinata 257 August 22, 2023 12:56 am
    Tbh i was confused because the Titties..they look so real how Like how did he do dat?!? Jasper

    It’s supposed to show that he played with his tits so much they got bigger, and if that was true people wouldn’t be having boob jobs, but eh it looks sexy either way

    Kittykat October 15, 2023 3:15 am
    It’s supposed to show that he played with his tits so much they got bigger, and if that was true people wouldn’t be having boob jobs, but eh it looks sexy either way Hinata 257

    he probs just has a condition thats called gyno-something