btw why do parents think they know the best, sometimes they do not :/

LUX☆ July 20, 2021 4:25 pm

btw why do parents think they know the best, sometimes they do not :/

    Femboy Hooters July 20, 2021 5:21 pm

    Most likely cuz they don't want to see their children hurt terribly from things like this...

    sweety1997 December 31, 2023 5:21 pm

    is human bias. humans that didn't mature and develop enough and are bound in their comfort zone, without much of a solid grasp of their ego tend to project outwardly. Especially when it is someone they feel some sort of hmm ownership over? They "made" those humans. So they are their "creation". They project their ego onto their children and have their own ideas and wishes how the child should turn out and be. They control the ego they project onto the child, instead of their own ego and have biases. They think they do it for the Childs best interest, but it is actually for their own. Because they act out of fear and do it to calm down their own emotions and not get hurt themselves or disappointed themselves and thus chose to control and manipulate their children to prevent that. It sounds messed up, but is human. We as humanity are just learning STILL how to love. We don't know much yet. Some of us do. Like may native tribes who never wavered and went deep and staid in touch with Mother Nature kind of have a deep intuition and love and relate really well and mature really amazingly due to having proper rituals they go through in order to "bury" the inner child (it is still part of you, just not "you" anymore) and birth the adult self. Very important for our mind and psyche to go through such a symbolic death and rebirth. Egos need to die, for a new more mature version to come out of the ashes. Like a phoenix that becomes stronger with each rebirth. We need that, too. The moment you realise your ego is facing a wall in life, you need to accept that it's done serving you, learn from it's mistakes and keep the good things with you and then birth a new ego. Anyway. Many humans don't go through this. Which is why the world is full of children playing games in adult bodies. Just look at it seriously. Most of them are idiotic immature and hopeless ppl who act out of fear. We only have two basic grand feelings that everything else sprouts from. The plethora of emotions we have. Which is love and fear. Anger grows in the soil of fear. So does Sadness and Disappointment and Rage and Brutality. Anyway. Parents are like that, because they aren't mature enough. They are scared. They live in their comfort zone and are scared to overcome the fear zone and step into learning and growth as a human being and as a father or mother. Some will even abuse their child physically or mentally as a result of this desire to feel certain and safe and in control while being convinced they are righteous in what they do as they do it "for" their child's best interest. An immature ego that has too much control will do everything to not 'die'. So it will lie like this to you. Delude you so you don't see that you are doing wrong, being bad or even evil (pedophiles literally think they are the victims 99% of the time) so it can live through you. Ego isn't bad. It is meant to serve you. But what happens if you give a servant all the authority of a god? (you the god of your own body and reality). In an external collective version this is our current politicians and owners of the markets. Ppl who we supposedly chose to represent our best interests and just never put on a leash so they just do whatever they want and fuck up our world and we just sit at home and cry about how evil they are and how we are helpless victims. We, the 99% who could squash them if even 10% of us came together and rebelled to put them in their place.