Hear me out

gomini July 20, 2021 4:21 pm

Just from hyung's wistful thinking about wanting hosik to limp so he can depend on him. That's their 1st reincarnation (2nd life) and you can see how much it had unhinged him already. I'm not like defending him for his non con and manipulative ways but the man had clearly suffered when hosik died in their 1st life, like HE MADE LOVE TO A DEAD ASS HOSIK.

Then on his 2nd life, he attempted to kill himself coz of the pain and grief, he felt like those memories happened yesterday. He also killed 2 people just to save someone who could've just looked like hosik.

I mean... hyung has problems. That's why I'm happy that he forgot about everything in his current life. He can finally live freely, without the pain of his past.
Imagine remembering moments when the love of your love dies in your arms multiple times. I'd go crazy.

That also explains his paranoia and possessiveness.

    gomini July 20, 2021 4:28 pm

    I actually want hosik story novel. So i could reread every pain and suffering and etch it in my soul. I'm kind cute like that. Emotiona