To neat....

kee October 9, 2016 2:39 am

Did anyone else feel like this was wrapped up way to neatly? Like in the end I felt like there should have been more of a sacrifice when you think about all that build up right?
1. Misao dies
2. She is at least fully paralyzed.

I like happy endings but this was just to clean right?

    Shuu Ringo June 12, 2017 5:14 am

    If any of that happens, im pretty sure the ending wont be nice since kyou will hate his son so much. Even now his priority is misao. If misao dies, the world will alrdy end.

    BL_F@NGIRL December 23, 2017 8:59 pm
    If any of that happens, im pretty sure the ending wont be nice since kyou will hate his son so much. Even now his priority is misao. If misao dies, the world will alrdy end. Shuu Ringo

    Couldn't agree more, the only other way for it to have ended would've been a tragedy cause there's no doubt he would've followed her, he had no intention of living without her

    wacem September 10, 2018 2:06 pm

    I think this is the best ending sensei can pull it off for this manga. It's happy yes, but it still have bitter feeling linger. Like how misao legs being paralyzed was clean and neat ending? That traumatized everyone forever, her legs condition became dark memento for everything's happened. Kyo already hurted so much with misao paralyzed legs and if misao dies or fully paralyzed, that's the real tragedy and it will be too dark for the manga's overall tone