Anyways i remember reading this before lmao i just forgot but ill just spoil stuff that I know, dw this ones a happy ending :))) . . . . . . . •First of all, Sienna becomes the emperor, Dian gave up his right to the throne because his son (?) didnt have colored hair so he feared that he might get discriminated plus I think his wife was also weak after giving birth to him.
•I remember there's a 2nd male lead here, forgot the name but i think he comes from the duchy of bless (the one where kuhn's supposed to go) and he proposes to sienna but he rejects him cuz she likes kuhn but he didnt propose to her for power though so rest assured he's a good person
•Fatima marries someone else from another tribe and its pretty obvious that she wont end up with kuhn lol
•Kuhn and Sienna are really fated, kuhn (raad clan) is also a descendant of gods too if im not mistaken however they were like the dark side while sienna (imperial family) is the light side, they used to co exist but its impossible for two gods to be together so the raad clan had to leave which is why they live in the desert and are more like wanderers.
•not sure about their names but they have 2 kids, a daughter named isabele and son named eckart
Anyways i remember reading this before lmao i just forgot but ill just spoil stuff that I know, dw this ones a happy ending :)))
•First of all, Sienna becomes the emperor, Dian gave up his right to the throne because his son (?) didnt have colored hair so he feared that he might get discriminated plus I think his wife was also weak after giving birth to him.
•I remember there's a 2nd male lead here, forgot the name but i think he comes from the duchy of bless (the one where kuhn's supposed to go) and he proposes to sienna but he rejects him cuz she likes kuhn but he didnt propose to her for power though so rest assured he's a good person
•Fatima marries someone else from another tribe and its pretty obvious that she wont end up with kuhn lol
•Kuhn and Sienna are really fated, kuhn (raad clan) is also a descendant of gods too if im not mistaken however they were like the dark side while sienna (imperial family) is the light side, they used to co exist but its impossible for two gods to be together so the raad clan had to leave which is why they live in the desert and are more like wanderers.
•not sure about their names but they have 2 kids, a daughter named isabele and son named eckart