
chowychow July 20, 2021 8:48 am


So idk if it’s a love triangle but basically jaeha and the other seme fight a lot and the glasses kid gets in the middle? They take jaeha in and patch him up a couple times and jaeha starts liking them? The raws are kind of teasing for a throuple but it could just be a love triangle. I’m praying for a throuple because the dynamic is so cute!

Also I have no link for raws but basically just copy the alternative title and search the chinese for it on weibo.

    Sannanana July 20, 2021 1:25 pm

    Love triangle between sagong, jiseung nd Jung jaega right?

    chowychow July 21, 2021 6:05 am

    Yes! Seems like it but it also kind of hints at a throuple? Idk maybe just a love triangle