Mafuyu KetSUki July 20, 2021 5:49 am

Anyway, GREAT!!
It got noticed by the au thor!!
("Please rep ort my work from manga go" *inserts the ss from this sit e*)

Keep uploading the new chapters, and the whole old chapters are about to be taken dow n entirely. aLONG WITH THE SIT E!

Happy now? >:c

    Jay July 20, 2021 6:17 am

    God just shut up. They’re obviously talking about the whole fic now just the new chapters. So why not post all the translations for everyone before it’s too late ? How about you pay for all of our accounts then lol

    Jay July 20, 2021 6:29 am
    God just shut up. They’re obviously talking about the whole fic now just the new chapters. So why not post all the translations for everyone before it’s too late ? How about you pay for all of our accounts ... Jay

    I don’t see why you have an account on here and have read a bunch of illegally posted shit but complain about this now