Ok spoiler alert, I guess, though the comments are full of them I thought their reason in...

Anonymous July 20, 2021 5:09 am

Ok spoiler alert, I guess, though the comments are full of them

I thought their reason in the main story for their big breakup was utter bullshit. It was a shallow/poorly executed means to create drama. However, I felt the breakup in the epilogue was 100% believable, relatable and understandable (though I seem to be in the minority here?).

They had been together long enough for the honeymoon phase to wash away, leaving opportunities for them to take their relationship for granted during an intensely stressful time in their lives. They were experiencing a major transition from school life to being part of the workforce, with all the stress of trying to find a job when there are no guarantees anybody wants you. They went from a shared context of school life with a decent amount of free time to having little in common very suddenly as their work paths diverged. Both of them reacted to this situation differently and ultimately, as the story says, they were both tired. They didn’t have the energy to try and maintain a relationship and needed to prioritize other aspects of their lives then. While it’s a bummer, it makes plenty of sense and is totally understandable. Lots of people break up because their situation makes it hard to maintain a relationship. Once they both settled into their new realities and were able to re-find their work-life balance, they were able to talk it out and reconcile things.

I enjoyed seeing the very different place they were at now that it’d been a couple years and their puppy love matured a bit. Their breakup was no longer the end of the world, they were no longer the types to claim eternity, they no longer couldn’t keep their hands off each other or missed each other whenever they went a day without seeing each other. They became quieter in how they expressed their affection. Their love didn’t cool, but changed. And maybe they had a hard time recognizing those changes as not being a bad thing initially as well.

You could really see that everyone grew and changed as people through the years. It was fun to witness
