When hyung just rich boy ML copy paste

SoTired July 20, 2021 5:00 am

The author kinda not explore a lot of potential with 3 times reincarnated. Like make them switch place or something. Hyung keep being this rich guy and hosik is just mediocre or poor boy. So the plot always same. Hyung obsessed on Hosik but Hosik can't easily be together with hyung because of social standard. Prove me wrong the author just write this same 3 times reincarnation with just slight variantion of era and climax problem.

    JinYanagi July 20, 2021 5:09 am

    Sunbae is rich cus he keeps reincarnating within the bloodline of nobles. The 1st life where he is the young master of a rich family is the same through out the 2 other reincarnation. Basically he miss hosik so much that he keeps passing on his memories to his bloodline for generations. Remember the sunbae of the present have all these traditions during the marriage, like the young master of the past. If u look at special ch10 it also says the 2nd life sunbae is from the same noble house of generations. So they’re all just the same bloodline lol. Sunbae is never gonna be poor.

    rourou July 20, 2021 5:35 am
    Sunbae is rich cus he keeps reincarnating within the bloodline of nobles. The 1st life where he is the young master of a rich family is the same through out the 2 other reincarnation. Basically he miss hosik so... JinYanagi

    yes! unlike hosik, sunbae is reborn within the same bloodline, that why the current update houses look the same as future sunbae's hometown. unlike hosik who randomly reborn is different district or country (like north korea)

    SoTired July 20, 2021 6:06 am
    Sunbae is rich cus he keeps reincarnating within the bloodline of nobles. The 1st life where he is the young master of a rich family is the same through out the 2 other reincarnation. Basically he miss hosik so... JinYanagi

    Yeah, same as first story. Born from rich family, love Hosik for no reason or not enough development, chase Hosik. Same 3 times. Even Hosik doesn't understand why hyung likes him. Even that you can explore about his heritage, like maybe he fight war or something. Even rich can go bankrupt because of war. Like man, it just hyung obsessed with Hosik 3 times in 3 different eras

    SoTired July 20, 2021 6:12 am
    yes! unlike hosik, sunbae is reborn within the same bloodline, that why the current update houses look the same as future sunbae's hometown. unlike hosik who randomly reborn is different district or country (li... rourou

    I *like* how the only thing that same for 3 times reincarnation is that hyung is rich but Hosik will be mediocre. You can make Hosik reincarnated into rich family too since Hosik reincarnated to different family everytime. But Hosik need to be in lower hierarchy. Hosik need to accept force love from hyung. Why didn't Hosik like hyung first, that will be interesting.

    PepePoopoo July 20, 2021 6:15 am
    Yeah, same as first story. Born from rich family, love Hosik for no reason or not enough development, chase Hosik. Same 3 times. Even Hosik doesn't understand why hyung likes him. Even that you can explore abou... SoTired

    What freaking reason do you need for him to love Hosik (or for anybody to love someone)?? Good looks, rich family? Or what do you want? If you don’t like it, why the hell do you read so far?

    SoTired July 20, 2021 6:31 am
    What freaking reason do you need for him to love Hosik (or for anybody to love someone)?? Good looks, rich family? Or what do you want? If you don’t like it, why the hell do you read so far? PepePoopoo

    I didn't hate it, I just feel like it lack depth. Like it too linear. Too same. You can just say if they make 4 reincarnated, hyung will be rich, Hosik will be poor, and it will just be their love story without feeling like their world or era matter. You can make that hyung in this war era wants to find Hosik, want to travel the world to search for Hosik but his family business is going bankrupt. He can't live without Hosik but he can't let his family become beggar. That can explain why he just stay at that town. Not just 'I am sad because Hosik dead' but just wait and look around a bit like Hosik gonna fall from sky or something.

    rourou July 20, 2021 6:48 am
    I *like* how the only thing that same for 3 times reincarnation is that hyung is rich but Hosik will be mediocre. You can make Hosik reincarnated into rich family too since Hosik reincarnated to different famil... SoTired

    i personally believe the fact that sunbae to be the first one to fall for hosik was like a karma for him. because he had a wife while he's in love with hosik (refer to their first story together) he not only hurt hosik but the girl who was his wife. and now he's bound to only be able to only truly love hosik from his past life's love sickness.

    tho i also think rich hosik would be interested but im still thinking why he keep reborn as pitiful mediocre chracter probably yet again a karma for sunbae to only fall for mediocre chracter (im so sorry to imply this on hosik, he's precious to me too but from other characters' view hosik was mediocre)

    and the fact that hosik was kinda forced to be in the relationship had me wheezing lolllllll like its so disturbing but even in their first life, sunbae was to be the first to fall for hosik too and realized his feeling was that of romantic. so yeah i think this also his karma, where he need to gain Hosik's love again and again because of his past life's mistake. but sunbae is one crazy possessives ass

    *Dariam* July 20, 2021 6:58 am

    I dont think that if they changed roles it would look like a fresh plot, because that too is overused. So the only matter here is how the author draws the scenes and they do it super well because they are talented.

    SoTired July 20, 2021 7:03 am
    i personally believe the fact that sunbae to be the first one to fall for hosik was like a karma for him. because he had a wife while he's in love with hosik (refer to their first story together) he not only hu... rourou

    Yeah, this manga really good in delivery that emotional feeling of sad and despair. I cry a lot too. But after I took a step back, it kinda linear. Maybe because the author too focus on both of them with lacking surrounding factor that can be interested. Make that the era really matter

    rourou July 20, 2021 7:04 am
    I dont think that if they changed roles it would look like a fresh plot, because that too is overused. So the only matter here is how the author draws the scenes and they do it super well because they are talen... *Dariam*

    yess! totally agree! even though both hosik and sunbae keep reborn as same hierarchy, but the plot still nice and make sense as a continuation from their previous life.

    SoTired July 20, 2021 7:14 am
    I dont think that if they changed roles it would look like a fresh plot, because that too is overused. So the only matter here is how the author draws the scenes and they do it super well because they are talen... *Dariam*

    Not deny that. This is one of the best manga with emotional delivered but I kinda feel that overused dynamic in this manga itself. You can make that Hosik when through a lot. For pushover, he became strong and independent before he meet Hyung. Make that he is still Hosik but a bit less pushover than before. It can make him stand up to himself more than just too depend on hyung. He too much of damsel in distress. Even the power dynamic in this manga copy paste 3 times.

    SoTired July 20, 2021 7:17 am
    yess! totally agree! even though both hosik and sunbae keep reborn as same hierarchy, but the plot still nice and make sense as a continuation from their previous life. rourou

    Continue legit on point. It really flow with their destiny. It good manga but even good manga has a bit of flaw. This manga flaw it just linear in reincarnation. 3 times but same power dynamic even though environment or era change. Era doesn't contribute much on their relationship. Heck, you can put them in Roman era I didn't bet an eyelid.

    rourou July 20, 2021 8:05 am
    Continue legit on point. It really flow with their destiny. It good manga but even good manga has a bit of flaw. This manga flaw it just linear in reincarnation. 3 times but same power dynamic even though envir... SoTired

    not gonna deny that. it does seems same but then, maybe that no changing fact is the norm. because not everything is perfect. but then again, if they were to reborn for the forth time, i wish to see a rich and pampered hosik! and sunbae would have to do a lot to gain his love

    SoTired July 20, 2021 9:20 am
    not gonna deny that. it does seems same but then, maybe that no changing fact is the norm. because not everything is perfect. but then again, if they were to reborn for the forth time, i wish to see a rich and ... rourou

    Well that actually will be interesting. Want to see more domineering on hosik part. Want to see he is more in control in anything really. Maybe in sex or date or cute stuff like that.

    rourou July 20, 2021 9:37 am
    Well that actually will be interesting. Want to see more domineering on hosik part. Want to see he is more in control in anything really. Maybe in sex or date or cute stuff like that. SoTired

    yess! but since this manhwa bout to end soon I don't really have such high hope, maybe on the author's next series they would do something like that

    SoTired July 20, 2021 9:42 am
    yess! but since this manhwa bout to end soon I don't really have such high hope, maybe on the author's next series they would do something like that rourou

    Don't be so sure... Tbh I shock that we got 2nd reincarnation. To me it already good bow tie end on 1 special reincarnation but here we are.

    rourou July 20, 2021 10:55 am
    Don't be so sure... Tbh I shock that we got 2nd reincarnation. To me it already good bow tie end on 1 special reincarnation but here we are. SoTired

    yeaa i would like to see more so im praying the author will continue it sum more

    SoTired July 20, 2021 12:53 pm
    yeaa i would like to see more so im praying the author will continue it sum more rourou

    But from I see, the author seems to enjoy drawing this manga and I think she doesn't mind dragging the story some more

    *Dariam* July 20, 2021 1:05 pm
    But from I see, the author seems to enjoy drawing this manga and I think she doesn't mind dragging the story some more SoTired

    Yeh it feels that the author loves this webtoon and loves the characters , cause they are so sweet, and the webtoon s satisfying in general