Sorry.. just my opinion..

SanaHana July 20, 2021 2:13 am

Well... Honestly I'm one of thoses ppl who thought woyoung is annoying.. his hair looks like corals, seaweed.. ughhh n his personality is childish n annoying.. he's stupid n always in heat... No purpose in life
I'm here just for kyungjoo n his face lol
Woyoung is not pretty or cute at all

    JadaSnare July 20, 2021 2:17 am looks like Kyungjoo puts all the effort in the relationship. Woyoung can't watch his on som and when he does he manages to drop the baby. They are a cute couple but love is not the only thing that can make a relationship last. It just seems uneven.

    Jungoobaby July 20, 2021 2:35 am

    i dont think you can called that opinion. Thats just straightforward hating and what do u mean he's always in heat? It's only happened like 2/3 times.. and I think u are the ugly one, u must be that person who always judge someone just because their looks

    parkjinwife July 20, 2021 2:53 am

    Relationships are rarely equal. One person is usually putting in more effort. Yeah Woo is lazy af, but he definitely loves his baby and Cha. Cha is just so precious. My husband, bless him, was quite useless when our son was very young. It’s the first child for both of us, so neither knew what he/she was doing but he left most of it to me because he felt I was handling it better than he ever could.

    JadaSnare July 20, 2021 11:33 am
    Relationships are rarely equal. One person is usually putting in more effort. Yeah Woo is lazy af, but he definitely loves his baby and Cha. Cha is just so precious. My husband, bless him, was quite useless whe... parkjinwife

    Relationship are almost never even. I totally agree with that. The problem occurs when the relationship is always tilted in one persons favor. It seems like Kyungjoo is always putting in 80 or 60 while Woyoung constantly puts in 20 or 40. I understand that Kyungjoo is an Alpha that can handle most things that can come his way but even the most competent people get tired. Kyungjoo works, takes care of the baby, and caters to his spouse. He deserve days that he can put in 20.

    SanaHana July 20, 2021 12:20 pm
    i dont think you can called that opinion. Thats just straightforward hating and what do u mean he's always in heat? It's only happened like 2/3 times.. and I think u are the ugly one, u must be that person who ... Jungoobaby

    Well congrats i don't give a shit about what YOU think about me nor do i need YOUR approval to be how I am
    Everyone has their own preference & everyone has their own point of view
    Maybe The way i expressed my opinion isn't right on point or what I said isn't clear enough that's why
    Well he's just a character in a story, no harm done
    Instead of someone who judge me by a single comment
    Its not like u even know me lol not that u r better than me. u r not less uglier than me
    What i mean by always in heat is, he's always wanted to have sex
    Well actually I just wanna said that wooyoung is not my fav character thats all
    He's just a character lol no need to be defensive like a btch lol
    Maybe he's ur fav character right? Well sorry, I'll respect ur preference

    SanaHana July 20, 2021 12:29 pm
    Relationships are rarely equal. One person is usually putting in more effort. Yeah Woo is lazy af, but he definitely loves his baby and Cha. Cha is just so precious. My husband, bless him, was quite useless whe... parkjinwife

    Yeah... U r wise.. well thats what relationship is.. if u r less or unskilled in some aspect, ur partner completes the other & vice versa.. coz nobody's perfect right.. everyone is just human..
    N it gets better with time & experience

    SanaHana July 20, 2021 12:29 pm
    Relationships are rarely equal. One person is usually putting in more effort. Yeah Woo is lazy af, but he definitely loves his baby and Cha. Cha is just so precious. My husband, bless him, was quite useless whe... parkjinwife

    Bless u & ur husband