I think she is female not male cuz he have ovaries not balls , and ovaries/womb = period =...

sakurakou October 7, 2016 12:13 pm

I think she is female not male cuz he have ovaries not balls , and ovaries/womb = period = female , I don't understand why she doesn't have breasts , normally those who have vagina have breasts as well cuz of female hormones .

    Anon January 7, 2017 3:35 pm

    He is whatever he wants to be considered, called, and *respected* as. Given what clues we have from the manga, biologically intersex, otherwise completely seems to identify as male.

    Biologically, he is neither male or female. Even if he seems like he has more female parts, he is still intersex because he *does* naturally have male parts as far as we know. This is a chromosomal/biological difference. Hence, he is intersex.

    What pronouns you should use for people, however, should be up to them to decide. He seems to prefer being known as a male. It's very quite simple.

    yan July 22, 2023 5:52 am

    you are an ybc fan you cant talk shush fattie