Poor Mo

Ruka July 20, 2021 12:17 am

Idk why He Tian can’t leave Mo alone. They are always forcing him to join them. Smh. He has his own problems to deal with while they are light hearted fooling around.

    Coolicefun July 20, 2021 12:25 am

    That’s not the story… that is in no way true and everyone in the group does shit they don’t want to. It’s been proven many times he cares about he tian and the rest and he tian would clearly do anything for him but he caught him at a bad time and he’s got too much pride to ask for help. They’re highschoolers the whole point of the is it’s supposed to be light and funny but dark and times

    Chris_chan July 20, 2021 12:54 am
    That’s not the story… that is in no way true and everyone in the group does shit they don’t want to. It’s been proven many times he cares about he tian and the rest and he tian would clearly do anything... Coolicefun


    Srsly July 20, 2021 2:07 am

    But actually completely not true.

    He likes the three of them very much. And they should be light hearted seeing as how they are just teenagers.

    There’s no way he should be left alone to basically starve and kill himself working struggling to survive. He’s not even an adult yet.

    To leave him alone is basically to abandon him. He’d end up in terrible shape. He just needs some help.