Yo’re acting like he tripped on purpose and once he became a parent he just told his body ‘stop! You cant trip anymore because you have a child now’!?!?!? It was a fcking accident, accidents happen and he CANNOT see the future. He clearly didnt mean it and yes it IS normal to accidentally trip even if you’re holding a child bc it’s it’s not on purpose. Where the fuck did you hear ‘it’s forbidden to trip when you’re holding a child because you can control and prevent accidents’ ??

You can prevent accidents as far as I know. No one said he cant nor will never trip, but if youre handling another life shouldnt you be outting 200 % effort on safety? Like any other parent does.
Youre man at the fact I just said Wooyoung shouldve been more careful? Ah sure thats your opinion, but youre acting as if he's a saint that any action is justifiable because he's clumsy. Im not even gonna reply to your childish remarks anymore, Drop a baby for all I care.
I died and came back from the cuteness. But seriously Wooyoung needs to stop acting like a kid and injuring the baby. Tripping?? Is he a kid ( ̄へ ̄)