I agree that it was their parents negligence that made them turn out this way. Yui’s parents didn’t tell him about sex when he asked and didn’t get suspicious where he heard it from. It’s like the cycle of abuse and pedophilia was never really properly addressed. It was mostly societal judgement that made them feel pressured about how they should feel. That is why Kei is the way he is. I think it’s one of the reasons why children are more susceptible to psychological trauma bc they wouldn’t know wrong from right. If Yui and Kei family were to raise them more lovingly or properly this wouldn’t have happened.
Second time I read this, the first time I read this I was very young (like 13 or something) and I still agree this was so fucked up but still this a really good psychological story. But now that I'm a bit more mature I just realized the negligence of Yui and Kei's families. Yui mother was more afraid of what people would think about her as a mother than what happened to Yui and Kei family just choosed weird "treatments" instead of a properly therapy. I mean I kinda understand no one would know how properly act in that situation but yeah, if it weren't for their family they weren't that fucked up and that makes me sad. Also I want to add... if you want to become a parent please teach your kids to be careful to adults, teach them no one should kiss them or touch their genitals and also tell them abou what sex is (you can teach them without the lewd implications), Yui's parents didn't teach him about those topics and well, we saw what happened....