that guy in the audience who can't admit that another man is sexy

lady eboshi July 19, 2021 10:40 pm

that guy in the audience who can't admit that another man is sexy

    venus July 20, 2021 12:49 pm

    hate him like what’s wrong with saying that

    lady eboshi July 20, 2021 7:24 pm
    hate him like what’s wrong with saying that venus

    fragile masculinity is a disease -.-

    Ikaiqa July 22, 2021 1:28 pm

    I dont wanna be that guy but just because a guy doesnt find another man sexy doesnt always mean toxic masculinity you know. If you're hetero it's normal to find another person of the same gender as "attractive" but if you find them "sexy" then you're probably not that straight :')

    Just a matter of word choices. Something i learned from my roommate who's a lesbian. She showed me pics of girls and I said they're beautiful. She said they're "sexy as hell" and i was like... "not really the word i'd personally go with" ( ̄∇ ̄")

    lady eboshi July 22, 2021 10:25 pm
    I dont wanna be that guy but just because a guy doesnt find another man sexy doesnt always mean toxic masculinity you know. If you're hetero it's normal to find another person of the same gender as "attractive"... Ikaiqa

    ?? you are on a very wrong trip. we can admit that a person is sexy without being sexually attracted to them, it's just a matter of having eyes

    Ikaiqa July 23, 2021 8:19 am
    ?? you are on a very wrong trip. we can admit that a person is sexy without being sexually attracted to them, it's just a matter of having eyes lady eboshi

    Sorry to disagree. That'd depend on a person's vocab. These days people use words without actually meaning it. In your case, as you said, you say 'sexy' but don't actually mean it. Go google the definition of "sexy" to find its actual meaning. You can't call it "toxic masculinity" or "they don't have eyes" just because a guy wont call another guy he's not sexually attracted to as 'sexy'. It could be they're just mindful of their word choices.

    lady eboshi July 23, 2021 9:08 am
    Sorry to disagree. That'd depend on a person's vocab. These days people use words without actually meaning it. In your case, as you said, you say 'sexy' but don't actually mean it. Go google the definition of "... Ikaiqa

    if someone is so self conscious of a simple use of words like calling another man sexy (like bro ಠ_ʖಠ) and does a whole essay about it, so it's predictable that this person thinks too much about it and that they have some kinda of issue with it, honestly. like this random character in this manhua, he could just say something like "yeah, he dances this sexy song really well" or "no, i don't think his dancing is sexy" but no, he was responding with "i'm a man"

    like who asked? ( ・_・)

    behind these words is nothing but insecurity and the fear of being judged for talking about a man being sexy

    Ikaiqa July 23, 2021 9:26 am

    I'm an editor/writer, and I know a lot of people in my field who are also mindful of their words. Since you're so adamant about "people shouldnt be so self-conscious about their words", dont you find it ironic to call someone toxic masculinity for not being self-conscious enough before saying "I'm a man" while they're in such high energy moment? You could call it toxic masculinity in a different situation, just not this one.

    lady eboshi July 23, 2021 10:15 am
    I'm an editor/writer, and I know a lot of people in my field who are also mindful of their words. Since you're so adamant about "people shouldnt be so self-conscious about their words", dont you find it ironic ... Ikaiqa

    ok basic example: straight women see the advertisement of other women wearing lingerie, think they look sexy wearing it, and buy the lingerie for themselves.
    thinking about another human as sexy is not something related to being attracted to that person, or about gender. sexy is an image, it can be about power, beauty or anything else. in this manhua, latin dance.

    for this character it's unlikely to think of another man as sexy because he's a man, as if a man couldn't see another man as sexy just because they're both men. that's why i called it toxic masculinity. also toxic masculinity can be unconscious because it's cultural, but choosing to go out of your way to not call another man sexy is a choice, a weird one.

    and i didn't say we shouldn't be self-conscious about words in general, im just talking about this specific situation ಠ_ಠ