Do you ever just........ overload sometimes?!?! like you read consecutively and get filled...

Danikunnn July 19, 2021 10:22 pm

Do you ever just........ overload sometimes?!?! like you read consecutively and get filled with so many different emotions you forget your own to to a point that it even physically affects you — you just literally absorb and resonate with all the other emotions that are yours but also not yours..??

Cause same.

    boop July 19, 2021 10:31 pm

    dude same, and- u aren’t alone, it’s called sensor overstimulated ( maybe that’s not what you’re feeling but letting u know wouldn’t hurt!) i have a hard time with it and it’s hard, i get super affected with emotions, and ppl around me makes me tired from their emotions and all the impressions i have to take it, super super much overstimulated and overload can make me cry or ye meltdown- maybe this is not at all the same, tho yesh!

    and, ur feelings are valid, mhm!