Help please

Phil. July 19, 2021 8:55 pm

does anyone get concerning coughs like dry ass coughs like you have the 3rd stage of lung cancer cough. Coughing like an addicted smoker cough like when you breath air to cough that shit just becomes like a fucking ritz cracker cough? also I don't smoke and I don't have stage 3 lung cancer. But bitch this cough is effecting my social life I get violated about it, I SOUND LIKE A BRITISH OLD LADY AT THE FRONT OF YOUR HOUSE GODDAMN SOME ONE HELPM E

    sofya July 19, 2021 9:04 pm

    get a doctor's appointment? if you're scared it's covid, then mix lemon into ginger tea and have two cups a day

    HomoCoitus July 19, 2021 9:04 pm

    if it happens everyday and it isn't by a flu or covid or hayfever i suggest you go to the doctors and get it checked out. It might be something serious.