kinda random rant but....

countrysidelemon July 19, 2021 4:13 pm

It is wrong to use the terms fujoshi and weeabo. Weeabo is literally a term asian people use to describe racist people who fetishise asian culture (literally means "Wannabe Japanese") and Fujoshi is pretty similar except it's a term thats used to describe women who fetishise gay men for their gratification. Dude, they're not good labels wtf..."hey fellow fujoshis!!~~" SHUT UP!!!!!!!!

Read BL, read yaoi, read what you want but don't pretend such terms are a cute way to identify your groupies, they're disgusting labels my guy. Stop fetishising gay and asian people all together.

How on earth people have let others reclaim those labels i dont know, if i had known the actual meaning behind what the term Weeabo meant earlier i definitely wouldn't have tolerated it. Listen to asian people when they talk about you appropriating their culture and being disrespectful.

    Zura July 19, 2021 4:21 pm

    WAIT I DIDN’T KNOW FUJOSHI STANDS FOR IT. i though fujoshi and fudanshi means a person who likes reading/watching yaoi didn’t know it was to that extent

    Azollae July 19, 2021 4:27 pm

    Do you also have the same sentiments to korean media? i.e. koreaboo? There's even a site with that word that shares the latest news on korean celebrities.

    zhongli’s husband July 19, 2021 4:27 pm

    imo, yes. i don’t like either term.

    jaiiekekw July 19, 2021 4:28 pm

    Yep. And then people have the nerve to complain about how their groupies are being seen in a negative light and that “all fujoshis/fudanshis aren’t like that”. It’s because that term has a negative connotation and you CHOOSE to go by it.

    It’s mind boggling how Yaoi/BL/Etc. is the only type of love that has a “fandom” name. I don’t see names for people that enjoy reading GL or SL so why does the BL need it? Especially a term like that?

    jaiiekekw July 19, 2021 4:29 pm
    Yep. And then people have the nerve to complain about how their groupies are being seen in a negative light and that “all fujoshis/fudanshis aren’t like that”. It’s because that term has a negative conn... jaiiekekw

    The same exact thing can be said with weaboo

    chlolrine July 19, 2021 4:31 pm

    EXACTLYYY (esp people on tiktok) weaboo is a derogatory term. it's exactly the same meaning as koreaboo. like not all anime watchers are obsessed with japanese culture. and i find it so weird too that people make a "fandom" name for bl readers in general. "fandom" names dont even exist for webtoon/manga/shoujo/yuri readers

    yeonhae July 19, 2021 4:38 pm

    wasn’t fujoshi a reclaimed term, though? if i remember correctly, it was a term used by misogynistic men in the past to insult women, hence rotten woman. cmiiw tho

    as for weeaboo, i’m sure it’s defined like that in most countries. though, i come from a country where weeaboo is ameliorated and the word is now just a word to describe people that like anime/manga lol

    countrysidelemon July 19, 2021 10:19 pm
    Do you also have the same sentiments to korean media? i.e. koreaboo? There's even a site with that word that shares the latest news on korean celebrities. Azollae

    Yeah i would agree there too. Koreaboo is pretty much exactly the same as Weeabo, its people fetishising asian cultures so much that it almost becomes obsessive. Both are derogatory. I never knew about a website like that until you've just mentioned it and as someone outside of korean culture i cant confidently say that everyone thinks the same way me and some other people do. There are probably people in korea who don't see it as that big of a deal, or it could be the influence of westerners reclaiming the word despite its awful connotations.

    countrysidelemon July 19, 2021 10:29 pm
    wasn’t fujoshi a reclaimed term, though? if i remember correctly, it was a term used by misogynistic men in the past to insult women, hence rotten woman. cmiiw thoas for weeaboo, i’m sure it’s defined lik... yeonhae

    I can't really comment on the reclaiming of the term fujoshi because i haven't heard of it having misogynistic undertones, and even still i'd argue that even if it is a reclaimed word, its meaning now isn't unproblematic because of it. Even if in the past it was used wrongly against women, being reclaimed only to have another awful meaning doesn't make it okay, maybe its time to just nip the term in the bud completely in that case.

    Also for weeabo i think you're right there, it's original meaning has definitely been nullified which is also why its important to remind people of the terms origins and how actually not okay it is to identify with it. I think ur completely right there, it's evolved essentially and im not asian so others in those cultures may disagree with me in the same way that you say that its become something that's separated from those meanings now. I just think its uncomfortable to see other white people in the anime/manga community identifying with a racist term, even if as you say things have changed.