My thoguhts exactly. The nail in the coffin for me was the parental neglect that was brushed aside because Ao saw love in the dad's eyes....loving and being a good dad is not the same thing at all. I love candy but that doesnt make me good at making it. This whole story was about crappy choices having zero consequences. I can forgive a bit of r-word as the start of a relationship in fiction...but there needs to be some kind of either feeling of consent early on or some feeling of actual remorse and attempts to make up for bad behaviour. Seme just gets big sad and doesn't eat well cause the toy he was playing with finally stood up for himself? Ugghhhh
This is just my opinion, no hate to the author cause I love their other stories but this particular one is just a huuuuge mess.
First, a rape-based relationship (just stating, not complaining since I've read a lot of yaoi and BL that has the same based relationship that has good stories in the end).
Second, so this is just basically what I understood from the plot; Reiji just practically ruined Ao's life. The doctor explained his body is unstable because Reiji's Alpha pheromones triggered Ao's omega genes. To which Ao is perfectly fine before Reiji since he is 90% beta.
Not only making his body unstable, Reiji robbed Ao off of his career. The omega was happy to be a kindergarten teacher, and he got dismissed because he became an Omega (Which is still their society's lame-ass rules) and from the last panels, it seems like Ao didn't get his job back...? I could be wrong here but that's what I understood but still a huge red flag.
And lastly, I hate— HATE!! how Reiji happily reacted from Ao getting dismissed from his job and the nerve to tell Ao that he'll take care of him....? Like boy, you may be an Alpha but you are still a freeloader with no job (I think, since it wasn't mentioned whether he do have one or none) and the boy is a university student! And it seems like his dad is still supporting him. So yeah... Huge red flag. I mean Ao just lost his job and you're happy about it? Like why? Even if you apologized and explain it's still a weird thing to do.
And of course, Ao's reaction on his life; he lost his career, his old life style, and instead of focusing on that and be concerned on what's happening next; Ao became concerned of Reiji instead because he felt guilty of his rapi**.
And after the doctor telling him Reiji's sad story, Ao became certain of his feelings for the Alpha. Which is, in my own opinion, is a grade-A emotional manipulation.
Like seriously, the doc should've known better and Reiji is basically just a sad manipulative University student with daddy issues that lacks parental attention. And they confessed at each other, apologizes and happily living together after. The end.
This whole manga is good, the art is amazing ngl but the story? it could've been better. It has potential on the first chapters then it just crashed.
Anyways please don't hate me, it's just my opinion from how I understood the manga, I am just sharing my thoughts like you all do in the comment section. No hate replies please, I don't need the drama since this is just a penny for a thought thing.