mister i already read the novel, watched the anime too..i am too fast..if you don't understand what i mean..sry but can't explain i am out..i talked with the uploader and things are fine..u all should read the novel and than say bcz if you already read it you wouldn't be here to complain..the notice is gone now..

I've read the novel thrice already and I read lots of wangxian fics, your point??? I still think cql is best BL drama, both Novel and cql have their own essence, you clearly state you only watched anime, if you haven't watched cql or even if you do we don't care. It's 9.5B on Tencent Chinese alone even if you don't watch it it's still most streamed ciao Jim
If you want to know the plot, go for novel, then start donghua, which would be getting season three next month, for cute version? Go for diabolism Q, for live action go for Untamed, every version of it lovely, don't let someone else's opinion ruin the best BL in China ruin it for you!!! I've watched and read every adaptations, people should have some sense not to expect some things from Chinese censored versions. Also manhua is Shonen ai so there would be certain restrictions here as well!