
Yeah. There is NOTHING professional about taking your secretary to a fancy restaurant for a private birthday celebration. They were not friends. There were no other employees there. And he KNEW his wife was already worried about the relationship between the ML and his secretary. It is no wonder that the secretary thought she had a chance with him and that his wife was insecure. He really messed up in ALL sorts of ways. I agree that his wife should have just left him.
Miscommunication and not spending time with each other. And his caring attitude towards a mere secretary while he didn't take any such efforts for his own wife! No wonder she was anxious and insecure. Plus, his insufferable attitude just added into their emotional distance. His actions were misleading the secretary so we can't entirely blame the secretary in this. A couple needs to have a strong bond and understanding so that outsiders don't come between them. Plus, when FL tried to seduce him, his behavior with her was horrible. He actually tore her clothes, and said hurtful words. How horrible can a husband be? If he knows that she's not being her usual self, can see that she's insecure to the point of trying to seduce him by wearing sexy clothing, the least he could do was sit down and have a good heart-to-heart talk with her. But NO. They just have sex and he goes to work like a carefree ass*ole. He doesn't show any appreciation for FL even after having sex. Wow! I'm speechless.
He prioritizes his job more than solving his marriage problems. He finds it intrusive if his wife decides to join him on his business trip just to spend time with him. Plus, in the entire story, he did NOTHING to lessen the distance between them. He didn't even realize how distant they'd become until she started to make a fool of herself! This man is just too much. He DOESN'T deserve her. Period. If it was me, I'd have dumped his ass and walked away a long time ago. And a shitty sorry isn't enough, he needed to grovel a thousand times.