she pisses me off honestly. she’s been way too complacent and passive since the beginnin...

Moon July 18, 2021 8:57 pm

she pisses me off honestly. she’s been way too complacent and passive since the beginning of the story… nothing interesting, rather it’s frustrating. she knows the novel oh so well but when it comes to being searched by her murderous brother’s guards she gives herself over? she doesn’t even fear him properly and treats everything as a joke. i think this webtoon would’ve been better off with more serious undertones rather than shitty comedy in my opinion

    Nizze July 18, 2021 11:26 pm

    Welp... Idk... he never did anything bad to her for her to really fear him? On the contrary both brothers shower her with love? And although he is described as villainous... that's after her death. To people with that kind of power and that probably went through a couple assassination attempts family they can trust is pretty important.
    You know... plople complain both when mc fixates on the og plot and also when they don't. And till now it was building her relationship with the brothers. With the real existence of the goddess, the future appearance of the og mc and the fact that her body was hurt at the beginning are enough to foreshadow some seriousness in the plot...

    Moon July 19, 2021 2:36 am
    Welp... Idk... he never did anything bad to her for her to really fear him? On the contrary both brothers shower her with love? And although he is described as villainous... that's after her death. To people wi... Nizze

    are you kidding me? he’s a MURDERER. a serial killer. he’s been described as nothing more than that in the book. she even said it herself. he doesn’t become murderous “after her death” he becomes murderous… at a very young age. he stopped smiling and lost his well, “good disposition” once she ran away and went missing, but that had nothing to do with his character. there’s no use adding seriousness to the plot when the MC does not care for her own life and is thrown around by every character she comes across in the name of comedy

    doopy❣ July 19, 2021 3:21 am
    are you kidding me? he’s a MURDERER. a serial killer. he’s been described as nothing more than that in the book. she even said it herself. he doesn’t become murderous “after her death” he becomes murd... Moon

    Loooks like maybe u should stop reading it then

    Nizze July 19, 2021 3:26 am
    are you kidding me? he’s a MURDERER. a serial killer. he’s been described as nothing more than that in the book. she even said it herself. he doesn’t become murderous “after her death” he becomes murd... Moon

    No... what I mean is that he lost it only after his sister's death. Do you think the emperor, his best friend doesn't know he is as you say a murderer? And yet he keeps being super friendly with him? As I said you need to consider the setting and background. I do think he killed before, and many times.

    I'd also trust less her knowledge obtained from the book since many things seem to differ. She being alive for example. As I said I also don't think the og ran away. And her disappearance wasn't explained yet. She was super afraid at the beginning because of the books description and is slowly losing her fear of them because they are no threat to her. She is slowly separating book and reality.

    Rn I'm more curious about what happened to the og before she got there, what the goddess meant, whats ehr oracle and if that female lead of the book os really good...

    But feel free to drop it... maybe I want to be you if only for a day will be more to your taste...

    Moon July 19, 2021 3:26 am
    Loooks like maybe u should stop reading it then doopy❣

    i did im just criticizing it

    pinkdrink July 19, 2021 5:52 am

    genuinely curious what you would've wanted her to do? at the time the guards took her, all she knew was the bastian from the novel and she was scared of him. From her perspective (at the time), the sister ran away from her brothers, so she's terrified. Let's say for arguments sake that her initial thoughts were true.....what was resisting going to get her? death? more injuries? Her main goal was to not be found but then her friend sold her out. She didn't want to go but she didn't have a choice. Also why are is your criticism mainly targeted at her and not bastian himself? I'm saying also a lot but oh well....also, bastian was going more insane the longer his sister went missing and now she's back. Aside from him and Leon fighting and them being overprotective when someone gets too close to amelia, there're not being murderous towards others. It's clear that they're both major siscons. I'm surprised you didn't drop this series earlier when the male lead was described (from the og novel's pov) because he's supposed to be worse than Bastian. Most isekai manhwas show that the og novel isn't a good source of material to base everything off of. It might work well in the early stages but after that, everything is subject to change including character morals/personalities. She started off going by her knowledge of the novel, but now she's going off of her personal experiences, if she has them, but if she doesn't have personal experiences, she goes by the novel (i.e. her knowledge of the ML aka sleeping beauty). Imo FL's like this are much better bc it's annoying af whenever female lead's obsess over the original plot when its obvious that everything has changed.

    Moon July 19, 2021 8:37 am
    genuinely curious what you would've wanted her to do? at the time the guards took her, all she knew was the bastian from the novel and she was scared of him. From her perspective (at the time), the sister ran a... pinkdrink

    i did drop it early, based on the first 8ish chapters? i felt like she could’ve put more effort into disguising herself. for example, dyeing her hair. covering her scar- whether it be by making a new scar on top of it or covering it in other ways. leaving the village when they found out her identity? not being painfully obvious when being questioned? hm

    Moon July 19, 2021 8:39 am
    genuinely curious what you would've wanted her to do? at the time the guards took her, all she knew was the bastian from the novel and she was scared of him. From her perspective (at the time), the sister ran a... pinkdrink

    trust me, her brothers are pieces of shit lol i’m not excusing their behaviour, i’m just focusing my critique on the MC because she’s a better character overall and i had hopes for her. she’s the character everyone is rooting for is she not?