You are right. Hinduism is mostly practiced in only India and Buddhism is practiced in the east Asia I think? But conversion to Chirstianity is speading everywhere (I think I heard it has high success in South korea).
But it would be nice to learn about Korea and it's culture in Korean comics not everything should be about the US:(

That's true. But most jains i met, practice and adhere to their principles like vegetarianism and ahimsa throughout. But i may be wrong in my view also. I don't know what part of Jainism and Buddhism the east asians chose to adopt. I am not either of em so I'm not sure. But i don't think Mongmong is a Jain.
But yeah the doctrines of religions is not restricted to just one form.
Unrelated but I really feel like they deviate small translations just to fit an US audience. I was reading another webtoon and the girl said she was a "samaritan" I hadn't ever heard of the word so I looked it up. I got curious if it was in the raws, and in so in the Korean version, she never said anything like that(google translate, and i can read Korean though I can't understand it). That reminded me of ch 43 from this comic, idk why but for some reason the "auumm" stuck with me. And so I checked in the raws and there was something completely different! There was some Buddhists god song (idk some of the translations didn't make sense but I could recognize "lord Mahavir"). Why couldn't they have just left that in??
So like they change a lot of things just to relate to Christian/US things lol. I guess people can recognize "auumm" (ffs it is "om" why did they write it like that) better than Mahavir.
I'm not Christian nor am I from the US, but I guess since most audience is probably from US, I can't complain (≧∀≦)