
NohrNeir is the one who finished read them.. she/he share that at spoiler forum.. if you wanna know more details.. you can read them at here
Spoiler: ending
Credit to NohrNeir
The love story between the princess and the knight became famous as plays and musicals spread out through the empire. Even Rimona's group was doing it. Rimona would proudly play the role of the 7th princess in the plays.
Igdras that was once a land of waste is now the best territory. It became known for it's academia, magic, alchemy, medicine, food (they would make monsters taste good), agriculture. They also abolished the system where they would used to send criminals to Dandelion post. All the intermediate homunculus were accepted as vessels and subjects of ML as Igdras then became central military power under ML. The place became a territory of economic and military power.
Anais was talking to MC about how they recently discovered the black gold mines (well it's recently released publicly since MC found this when she scour the area and told ML to leave it for the territory, ML had long planned to use this as dowry). Anais was saying how the mines are now dedicated to the imperial family. Julia seemed to realize something as she commented that the dowry should be at least that much.
The mining village Lapis (where MC and ML visited early in the story) labor was reduced. And those who lost their homes were allowed to relocate to Igdras to help boost the economy.
Elijah who had been given everything that was once Chansley's now deal with them. His method is to eradicate evil with evil so his punishments are quite bloody, but it worked well.
Upon ML's return, MC and Alben got excited. Prince Euclid (8th prince) who came back from the academy escorted Stefania. Stefania told him that he's like a knight now that he learned swordsmanship. He thank her. He asked her isn't she surprised he came to escort her and not Litber (Stefania's personal knight).
It was since titles were conferred to homunculus, the royal family did not seem to welcome the changes as the tradition to exploit personal knights have changed. MC told them imprint had been invalid already due to ML. She had told her siblings to go check. She explained ML's ability as the king of homunculus was able to remove the imprint. It was Rosie who helped MC and told them that is the reason why the emperor allowed ML to marry MC. She played it off as if it's a political marriage that MC was willing to sacrifice herself to marry ML. Her other siblings start to feel bad for MC.
All the siblings met up with ML and Alben. ML questioned to Alben about the ranking between them. Since ML is the fiance of the crowned princess, he has higher ranking than the other princes and princess so they have to greet him properly. Ruben was happy with it but he did it. ML talked to Albel about Sylvetian's condition.
Rosie had been taking care of him everyday for half a year. The twin princesses visited Rosie who was nursing Slyvetian. She told them to be quiet since there's a patient. She was reading a medical book. It was then the twins exclaimed Sylvetian's eyes had opened up. Rosie dropped her book and went to check. It was then their eyes met and he tried to say something with difficulty since he haven't spoke in a long time. She started to explain to him what had happened and he remembered. Sylvetian realized his muscles have gotten smaller since he haven't worked out and apologized for his appearance. Rosie told him that's not important right now and told him she's glad he had woken up. She was worried a lot. She started to apologize to him and told him she's glad he survived since he have to be happy.
Rosie told him that he have to now call MC Crown Princess now and then she whispered something to Slyvetian that today is.... She was going to leave him alone to cry as she thought he would be sad from the news but he shook his head and said it deserves a congratulation and also because he will be happy.
It was the day of the wedding for MC and ML. The emperor wasn't pleased but he was still there. They exchanged vows and rings. When it came to the kiss, the emperor broke the handle. ML gave her a long kiss that even embarrassed the nobles. It was so long they had to tell him it's over and they should stop. It only ended when the emperor restrained him. The place burst into laughter. Alben told them they have to give birth to 3 kids. Elijah wasn't sure why since they only need 2, one for the imperial, one for the duke. Alben said ofc his child. He looked at Sadella.
MC told ML she can now keep her promise to make a baby with him. She had studied forbidden alchemy. It'll be difficult but they'll succeed. She told him it's a ritual where they have to do it for 10 days consciously. MC worried about ML's stamina. He told her tragically he will try. She told him she'll get Peony to make him lots of healthy food. They smiled at each other. She promised she will make him happy and he responded he trust her.
Later MC became the 17th emperor who was regarded as a special entity in the history of the empire. There was no one who doesn't know her name. Even their love story was famous. Epic poems were made of their tale and heroism. She only ever have 1 companion the Grand Duke of Igdras and 3 children with him. The eldest daughter became the 18th emperor, the 1st twin prince after succeeded the duke and the 2nd twin prince married the Count Linus (Alben was Baron of Linus and in side story he became a Count and he finally have a child with Sadella and that child became the next Count).
Her life after her reign was peaceful and quiet where she retired to the Crescent Lake of Serenitia with ML. By that time she was already a great sage and ML had already reached the peak ability of swordsmanship. They were lives that transcended regular lives so it was said every time the empire is in crisis, they will appear. Even after thousands of years had passed they continued to watch the empire like guardians.
IDK if their children can control homunculus. Luckily their first child has alchemy ability (which homunculus don't have) so she was able to become emperor. The emperor really favored his grandchild and was going to give her a lab when she first unlocked her alchemy ability at 3, but ended up giving the lab to MC. MC wanted more children but the emperor didn't want her to suffer cause the childbirth process was excruciating. Took her 2 years to finally give birth to her first daughter.
Their first daughter have her lime blonde hair and ML's purple eyes.
edit: The trait to control homunculus could be passed down by children.