
the zedmeister July 18, 2021 3:04 pm

Two things to say:
1) The panels are getting harder to put together especially with all the blur effects making the lines unclear, and I’m a perfectionist so I spend a long time trying to make sure everything is totally aligned and none of the panels/art/text is wonky, that’s part of the reason why I update late
2) Protect Mr. Shen, Zhen Hao and Poo at all costs. Protect those smiles.

P.S. A moment of silence for Gao Jin’s new car

    Mangaloverr_112 July 18, 2021 3:12 pm

    Thank you for uploading these! Good work.

    Zoey July 18, 2021 7:56 pm

    Gao jin's car will be misssed ╥﹏╥