Lanceyyy July 18, 2021 2:55 pm

It's funny to read the argument between Healthy/Boring Relationship & Toxic/Interesting Relationship. Tbh i like the 2nd couple more than the 1st couple. 1st couple Relationship is to cliche and common that's why some people says it's too "Boring" and i didn't feel that much emotion from the 1st couple. As for the 2nd couple i learned so many from them and i saw them changed so much. I did feel so much emotion from them and when i read Eunho's POV Ugh!!! ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ It's was hella ride for me. I love how they open up to each other in the sides story. Yes, let's say it was a " Toxic " Relationship but admit it their story was much more interesting than that "Healthy" Relationship (sorry for the wrong grammar)

    Bbbbbb July 18, 2021 3:08 pm

    Hi did Taeyoung and min ki ended up together?

    Lanceyyy July 18, 2021 4:25 pm
    Hi did Taeyoung and min ki ended up together? Bbbbbb
