yeah, and who the fuck even compared which rape scenes were worse tho. you guys were the o...

jeanne July 18, 2021 2:46 am

yeah, and who the fuck even compared which rape scenes were worse tho. you guys were the only ones who thought that i was comparing shit when i only listed why i think huilin is the worst between the three of them. i based it on how she manipulated jaehee and all, i never intended to say that she was a worse r*pist than sulhwa. get it? alright. now they can both go to hell.

    Thatskindagayngl July 19, 2021 11:51 pm

    Ikr? People fighting over which one is worse and I'm here wanting both of them either going to jail or just dying off. They both suck and Jaehee deserves partner who doesn't obsess over her and rapes her (after she gets some therapy of course)