Wait y'all genuine question, if he gets attracted by her even though she's a "man" does th...

ImLevisCumSlut July 18, 2021 2:28 am

Wait y'all genuine question, if he gets attracted by her even though she's a "man" does that make him bi? Or straight?

    Zzzzzzz July 18, 2021 2:38 am

    I don't think so cause by looking at the timeline or era of the story takes place the story is from 17th to 18th century or victoria something era and the the first use of gender identity or should I say bi gay straight lesbian is being used is 1960 or 1957 to be exact and studied or found out by John William Money

    If I say anything wrong here pls guys I'm giving you a freedom to correct if only you type it in a respectable way

    dagrandesibuna July 18, 2021 2:41 am

    There are far more sexualities than simply bi or straight you know. I did a long thread some time ago where I discussed how Aenon could very well be a demisexual and explaining my points as to why (I'm a demisexual). You can look through the comments it might give you some (unnecessary) insight :)

    Zzzzzzz July 18, 2021 2:47 am
    There are far more sexualities than simply bi or straight you know. I did a long thread some time ago where I discussed how Aenon could very well be a demisexual and explaining my points as to why (I'm a demise... dagrandesibuna

    Done reading it I can say thank you for giving this insights

    ImLevisCumSlut July 18, 2021 2:49 am
    I don't think so cause by looking at the timeline or era of the story takes place the story is from 17th to 18th century or victoria something era and the the first use of gender identity or should I say bi gay... Zzzzzzz

    Well if the term bi gay straight lesbian isn't used in their era, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist right? I'm just curious haha.

    ImLevisCumSlut July 18, 2021 2:49 am
    There are far more sexualities than simply bi or straight you know. I did a long thread some time ago where I discussed how Aenon could very well be a demisexual and explaining my points as to why (I'm a demise... dagrandesibuna

    Oh thank you :)
    I'll look into that more.

    Zzzzzzz July 18, 2021 2:52 am
    Well if the term bi gay straight lesbian isn't used in their era, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist right? I'm just curious haha. ImLevisCumSlut

    Well we don't know cause it's in the creators hand if they will say what is really aenon gender identity but if we are assuming it you can refer dagrandesibuna thred

    ImLevisCumSlut July 18, 2021 2:55 am
    Well we don't know cause it's in the creators hand if they will say what is really aenon gender identity but if we are assuming it you can refer dagrandesibuna thred Zzzzzzz

    Oh okay okay~

    Flufformeowmeow July 18, 2021 3:36 am

    He likes her for her personality so I think that would fall under pan wouldn't it?

    dagrandesibuna July 18, 2021 3:41 am
    He likes her for her personality so I think that would fall under pan wouldn't it? Flufformeowmeow

    In my thread I did discuss this possibility as well, the thing is for pansexual people, they simply feel attracted to the person without really regarding the gender.

    In comparison, Aenon struggled to accept that he may very well love Yuri as a man. In this case, although he fell for Yuri for who he is as a person, he did take into account his gender- as a demisexual, I identified with Aenon's struggles and feelings (you could say this is a constant in my life). He only fell for Yuri after a bond was created between the two, he was not simply attracted for the personality.

    These are my feelings but he could very well be (I'm not trying to say you're wrong or anything like that btw)! We'll never know unless the author specifies of course :)

    Flufformeowmeow July 18, 2021 3:47 am
    In my thread I did discuss this possibility as well, the thing is for pansexual people, they simply feel attracted to the person without really regarding the gender. In comparison, Aenon struggled to accept tha... dagrandesibuna

    Yeah honestly feel like the author is going to say "well since she's a girl technically he's straight" which is something I saw someone say

    Flufformeowmeow July 18, 2021 3:50 am
    In my thread I did discuss this possibility as well, the thing is for pansexual people, they simply feel attracted to the person without really regarding the gender. In comparison, Aenon struggled to accept tha... dagrandesibuna

    Also please correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't demisexual fall under the pansexual umbrella?

    dagrandesibuna July 18, 2021 5:29 pm
    Also please correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't demisexual fall under the pansexual umbrella? Flufformeowmeow

    Nope, we fall under the asexuality umbrella :)

    dagrandesibuna July 18, 2021 5:30 pm
    Yeah honestly feel like the author is going to say "well since she's a girl technically he's straight" which is something I saw someone say Flufformeowmeow

    Yes, although it couldn't be further from the truth, I can definitely see them pulling that since Korea is well very conservative still.

    dagrandesibuna July 18, 2021 5:31 pm
    Also please correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't demisexual fall under the pansexual umbrella? Flufformeowmeow

    But it does make sense that demisexuality would fall in the pansexual umbrella too (due to the nature) but pansexuality is also in the bisexuality umbrella and well- it's just a lot lol

    Flufformeowmeow July 19, 2021 1:39 am
    Nope, we fall under the asexuality umbrella :) dagrandesibuna

    I guess that makes sense somehow still shocked me either way thank you :)
    the more you know

    dagrandesibuna July 19, 2021 2:26 am

    That's how it goes don't worry! I didn't even know demisexuality existed until well I looked it up lol, anytime :)