I feel like some of you are very … weird. Most of you in fact. Because on one hand don�...

anaisbby July 18, 2021 1:56 am

I feel like some of you are very … weird. Most of you in fact. Because on one hand don’t find problems where there aren’t any and conversations about media should be progress but on the other hand y’all HATE having conversations about problematic media and the fact that some of its toxic in the first place. Incest, pedophilia and rape with a sprinkle of murder could be in a book and someone mentions that it’s possibly problematic and they get dog piled on. People’s experiences are going to dictate the way they perceive certain things some people aren’t reaching they just see similarities that align with their experiences

    Lihua July 18, 2021 2:17 am

    Wait wait. I don't understand what you're trying to mean? Can you explain what you're talking about?

    anaisbby July 18, 2021 4:13 am
    Wait wait. I don't understand what you're trying to mean? Can you explain what you're talking about? Lihua

    of course i can can you tell me which part you don’t get though ? i don’t want to bother you with useless info

    Lihua July 18, 2021 4:55 am

    This part basically

    " Because on one hand don’t find problems where there aren’t any and conversations about media should be progress but on the other hand y’all HATE having conversations about problematic media and the fact that some of its toxic in the first place. Incest, pedophilia and rape with a sprinkle of murder could be in a book and someone mentions that it’s possibly problematic and they get dog piled on"

    I'm sorry it may seem annoying but I just wanted to know so that I can judge whether or not I'm like that and maybe if I am then rectify myself or something?

    anaisbby July 18, 2021 3:16 pm
    This part basically" Because on one hand don’t find problems where there aren’t any and conversations about media should be progress but on the other hand y’all HATE having conversations about problematic... Lihua

    It’s not a problem.

    So the conversation in the comment section was about grooming and whether or not this book can be considered grooming and some people were upset because they didn’t like that people were talking about it. I’m saying that on one hand we shouldn’t find problems where there are none. Reading a book and looking for any aspect that’s slightly problematic isn’t healthy or productive. Books represent real life and there will be some small things that individuals don’t personally like because of our own experiences. However i’m saying that on this website a lot of people don’t like to have conversations about media when it is problematic. Even in stories where there re clearly times when a character does something wrong and it’s romanticised or pushed under the bush and not talked about, So when a commenter says something like “ that character is a racist and he said something really disgusting and the author just pushed it away. i don’t like that” people reply to them and dog pile onto them telling them they’re soft, and they’re not allowed to make negative comments and their negative comments are ruining the experience etc. Some people in this comment section for example were saying that people were over reacting and that this story doesn’t have a problematic aspect and i’m saying that even if it did people on here don’t like to be told that sometimes the stuff they’re reading so problematic or romanticising something problematic.

    so essentially if you tell people that they’re not allowed to talk about the bad things that happen in books and that them having conversations about it ruins your experience of reading a book i’m talking about you.

    Does that make sense ? it’s ok if it doesn’t i can explain it better maybe.

    Lihua July 18, 2021 4:19 pm

    Ahhh It makes so much sense now. Thanks for explaining and I agree with your viewpoint. Though I guess some readers do get affected when the whole comment section is about the problematic part. Both sides makes sense to me. Things done to a moderate amount is ok but too much is not? Something like that? Idk what I'm saying.

    Anyways I agree with the point that people have different life experiences and may react differently to certain things. And that they should be allowed to express their negative views on it.

    anaisbby July 18, 2021 5:01 pm
    Ahhh It makes so much sense now. Thanks for explaining and I agree with your viewpoint. Though I guess some readers do get affected when the whole comment section is about the problematic part. Both sides makes... Lihua

    Oh totally moderation is always favourable over any extreme. I do get that it could be irritating to see the whole comment section talking about one thing but then i feel like its bad to tell people that they can’t talk about the thing they find the most important and then it just goes around in circles honestly but i agree 100%