I skimmed the raws... SPOILERS !!!

H1th3r3 July 24, 2021 11:52 am

Season 1 is basically the genesis of The Queen's relationship with the Emperor/King.
Season 2 time skips to focus on their children as adults I think they will have 3 sons and 1 girl. The cover on this page is of their first son with his love interest for season 2.

Summary & How season 1 ends:

Around chapter 30 the Queen and King consummate their relationship and he becomes and more attached to her.
Although, he still continues to see his concubine that keeps pushing for their "son" to be made the Crown Prince. Although, the King is reluctant to agree to this.

In the coming years, the "son" starts to have a distinct look (very ugly) that looks neither like his mother or the King. I think other people have spoiled in the forum he is not the father. I assume then the father is probably her lover a rugged man who aids in her schemes.

Over time the King becomes more paranoid and he becomes very possessive and jealous. He is especially jealous of their relationship with her tutor whom she is close to and it seems he has romantic feelings for the Queen.
Something happens and he decides to restrict the Queens movements and confine her. Which is really bad because Queen's father is ill and she is forbidden from visiting him. She sneaks out to see him only to be caught by the Emperor when she returns. And he then punishes her and increases the level of her confinement.

The major incident that people have already spoiled is that the Queen will have a miscarriage around chapter()that was induced by agents working for the concubine.
She has MANY agents within the palace who work for her to either spy for or sabotage the Queen. The agent she hired pushes her into a lake.

After the miscarriage, the King starts to feel more regretful of his treatment of the Queen and he behaved by confining her which only caused her more harm since he couldn't protect her from those within the Palace. And he begs her for forgiveness.

Not long after the King falls seriously ill with an illness and the Queen risks her life to save him by covering her body in ice water to reduce his fever. The concubine is happy of the thought of the King dying because she believes it will give her son a better chance to be inherit the crown since the current King has no "heirs" with the Queen.

The concubine's son is a bit older and it's been decided that his education will oversaw by the Empress who does not hold any ill will towards the child and wishes to have him guided well.

The problem is the concubine's son like his mother is very arrogant and haughty. He believes this means he is already being recognized as the heir to the throne (not true).
It doesn't help that the court officials/eunuchs who use a very prestigious honorific, for him, feeds his ego into thinking that he is already the crown prince but I think they are very dismayed once they realize what a fool the boy is when his formal training begins.
He is very lapsed about studying and clearly does not like any of the scholarly activities.
This is relayed to the Queen when they do their brief reports.

He encounters a deer outside (one of the Queen's) and makes the poor decision of trying to touch its horns. naturally, the animal resists and this enrages him.

I think one of the tutors of the Prince tries to console - I think he says something like there are other ways he can excel not only study.
At night, he has an idea that if he can't impress with his intelligence he can show what a great "hunter" he is and takes a bow and arrow to find the deer he encountered.

The next day the animal is found dead with the bow being the cause of death.
The Queen is very upset and angry since she loves animals, she even named the deer and was very fond of them.
After collecting evidence it's not hard to work out who did it.
And the tutor who consoled Hyuk (concubine's son) admits the
Hyuk is punished by having his back legs whipped by the Queen and his mother is furious.

The King goes to see the concubine and Hyuk.

The King asks the boy why he is dressed in plain clothes and looking the way he is.

The concubine is quick to work out why is acting like that (the Queen did not brief him on what happened).

But Hyuk who is a fool starts throwing a tantrum asking his mother to tell the King what happened and how the Empress whipped him. He tells her to ask the King for the Queen to be punished for hurting him by having her neck slashed.

He starts wailing about how the Queen whipped him 10 times and curses her saying he will make her pay one day by whipping her in retribution.

This is when the King snaps back in rage telling Hyuk to shut his mouth. And begins to approach the child with a threatening aura.

The concubine tries to stop him and pleads that her son is still young and doesn't understand what he is saying begging for the King to forgive him.

He tells her to shut up and scolds her for raising her son badly that he is stupid enough to say such words without any shame about the Queen.

He then asks the boy to confess why the Queen whipped him.
Hyuk cowers in fear explaining he killed one of the Queen's deers.

The Emperor realizes which animal it was and he becomes angrier.

The concubine is sobbing on the floor pleading with the King not to be angry with the boy and instead take out his frustration on her if he must. He is having none of her sob acts and tells her to let him go.

He then says he blames himself for all of this, he slept with an attractive woman with bad character and now this is the consequence. Since he is the one who is the cause he must the one to "stop" it all. He pulls out his sword and says he is going to slash both their necks (Hyuk and concubine) to cleanse his honor and dignity as they have "tainted" it.

He is read to behead them until their servant an old woman pleads with his majesty to show them mercy.

At this point, both the Concubine (whom he has not been with for a VERY long time) and her son have officially lost all favor with the King. He exiles them from the Palace and strips away all their special privileges.

Around the chapter, the King has a dream about a white tiger leaping towards him, he believes this to be a conception dream and it means the Queen is possibly pregnant. He has her checked out and it turns out she is pregnant! Both are ecstatic!

The concubine is furious that the queen is pregnant and that if its a boy the King will make the child his heir. Using her proxies still in the Palace she makes several attempts to harm the Queen. The King is acutely aware that there are those who are trying to harm the Queen and tries his best to protect her or avoid her seeing the horrific cursed items people (Concubine's proxies) have left around the palace to threaten her pregnancy.

It seems the concubine along with her lover (most likely the real father of Hyuk) are part of a faction in alliance with other nobles and corrupt palace officials to overthrow the King - most likely putting Hyuk to replace him.

When time approaches and the Queen is heavily pregnant
She is making a trip outside the Palace and her carriage escort is besieged by the faction that wants to overthrow the Emperor/King led by the Concubine's thug lover.

He attacks/kills an elderly servant who tries to prevent him from approaching the Queen's carriage. He smiles crudely staring at her pregnant stomach and realises his mission is to kill her unborn child.
Luckily Pro-Palace troops arrive to counter the attack and the Queen tries to get away
but the thug grabs pointing his sword at her belly. She pleads with him not to hurt her because she is with child. The thug smirks and says the reason he is going to kill her is that she is pregnant.

An arrow shot stops him.

The King consoles the Queen who is still shaken, she says she asked the man that was about to kill her if the concubine gave him the order although he would not reveal he said

She pleads with the King to not create a blood bath needlessly because she wants to give birth in peace and with the situation "resolved".

The traitors are captured including the thug. The King/Emperor personally interrogates them as they tied up. The thug talks back at the Emperor making a snide remark that even if he did confess would the Emperor let him live? He then goes on to say how he wished he had stabbed the Queen in the belly. The King kills him there on the spot.

Another captive (the tutor that consoled Hyuk and testified against him prior over the deer incident) witness this and trembles in fear saying he will reveal all he knows.

Shortly after the Queen gives birth to a son. The King/Emperor is very happy.

He reveals to the Queen that all the traitors have been captured and they will be facing sentencing soon - this includes the concubine and her son.

The Queen looking solemn asks the King to spare Hyuk. Which takes him by surprise considering everything the concubine did and tried to do to her.

Hyuk and his mother are tied up wearing plain clothes, both are crying. Heeran (the concubine) is demanding to know where they are taking her son.

The guard tells her that her son will not be killed, since the Queen (unlike her) is a kind woman and pleaded with his majesty to spare him.

She is lynched/tortured prior to sentencing and even in her last thoughts. She is unrepentant, believing its the Queen who is the cruel one as for Hyuk to be left alive as the child of a traitor his life will be forever tainted due to association. And curses that it should have been HER son to be crown prince right before the blade slices her neck.

----Season 2 ---

The King and Queen are now very middle-aged and still in love. The Queen now has a more sterner personality after becoming a mother and is the dominant one out of the parents.

This season focuses on their children in their adulthood:

- their oldest son and his love interest who becomes his wife.

-The second son has an arranged marriage with a very beautiful noble lady.

-The youngest son falls in love with a plain-looking maid who is also a commoner and the King and Queen are against the union (the Queen more so).

- Their daughter the Princess who is in love with her tutor, but doesn't know he is actually petitioning for the King to marry her off into the Ming Dynasty to be a Queen.

Sorry for the LONG-ass summary but I figured we don't know when the chapters will be updated and season 1 is VERY long.

I will tweak this summary later.

    rachana July 22, 2021 3:29 pm

    you have the power of godヾ(☆▽☆)

    Love Is War February 10, 2024 9:22 am

    Bestie, it's time to update. There's a lot going on in season two. I love the oldest son and his wife so much already! Not sure what's up with the 2nd son couple, hoping that she doesn't genuinely hate him.

    KKX_NO May 3, 2024 11:48 am

    thank goodness for your spoiler. n3wtok isnt available anymore. sadly. raw site are locked too. you have to wait for idk how long maybe for a day, to be free. 1ch/day. 200s ch, & dang we're only at ch32. that's such a good story o really enjoyed reading, hope they upload too:((