Yep, of course he still needs to be held accountable and taught accordingly, but do y'all see how much they resembles their fathers' attitude??? Just goes to show how much influence they have on their kids. They are still, nonetheless, should be punished but I hope they can recognize their wrongdoings and stray away from being their fathers' mini me

Same too, unfortunately what the grandfather is doing should have come from their parents. As much I am glad he reprimanded them, realistically speaking (since it seems that it could be enough to turn Astelieau “good” in this webtoon) unless the kids have higher respect to the grandfather than the parents, then his teachings won’t do anything if the parents don’t think the same. It would backfire when the parents tell their kids that they aren’t the one in the wrong and that someone else is. That will of course result in the same case as how Balzac is right now.
Unpopular opinion here but I feel pretty bad for the boys Balzac and Astelieau. They've been raised in an enviornment by their spoiled father and mother to look down upon those weaker or less priviliged by them.
It's really a showing of how parents can influence children. At that age, they're not really responsible for all of their actions- it's the adults in this situation who've taught their children to be horrible who are.