Mcqueen...My pov is that McQueen was the one at fault ...lg they kinda fought cuz McQueen sold out their porn video....even tho he knew what'd be the outcome...he knew ed ,his lover,would suffer too but he still did what he wanted.....His character screams selfishness but I'm happy that he realized what he'd done so far was wrong...
On the other hand, ed wasn't at fault one bit ....he said what was right...his way of speaking was kinda harsh but whatever he said wasn't wrong...lg lf u see it like "ed should've supported his lover when he was defamed instead of taunting and blaming him",then u may say that he ,too, was at fault (╹◡╹)
sorry but can anyone explain why the mains broke up and fought? like I didn’t understand who was at fault??? or what happened