Mitsuki Senpai

Arianna October 1, 2016 12:40 am

yall realize this author specializes in porn scenes, right? she's not trying to get some important message across, she's just giving a plot to fit the porn. there isn't anything in this that's supposed to be real, so stop whining about the rape. (in other words, this situation and their actions aren't meant to be realisitc.)

    chi-chan24 October 1, 2016 12:44 am

    this story is basically porn with plot... (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    Arianna October 1, 2016 12:48 am
    this story is basically porn with plot... (● ̄(エ) ̄●) chi-chan24

    exactly. the plot part is just an extra to the porn! xD but these people taking this thing so seriously, gets me pissed off.

    chi-chan24 October 1, 2016 12:55 am
    exactly. the plot part is just an extra to the porn! xD but these people taking this thing so seriously, gets me pissed off. Arianna

    and (unfortunately) rape is a pretty common thing in this genre, it has many forms, but is still there and people need to get use to it

    Arianna October 1, 2016 1:00 am
    and (unfortunately) rape is a pretty common thing in this genre, it has many forms, but is still there and people need to get use to it chi-chan24

    word. complaining about rape in a manga on a site where you read it for free is as dumb as someone can possibly get. like the only people that's gonna read your worthless criticism are the other readers on the site. it's not gonna change the actual author's views in the least or the culture that it is investing in. and i doubt she even knows this site exists. lol

    Pacgirl October 1, 2016 4:03 am

    Yup it's just pure porn or smut. Since the smut genre is there, so I thought everyone knew it was going to be porny. xD

    akuma_river October 1, 2016 10:09 am
    word. complaining about rape in a manga on a site where you read it for free is as dumb as someone can possibly get. like the only people that's gonna read your worthless criticism are the other readers on the ... Arianna


    But considering how common this type of rape is and statistics on women...I'm guessing it was just too close to reality. Hell, some of the people complaining may even be survivors or know survivors and if people want to complain about something like that it's best to let them vent.

    I got a bit icked out myself with it. It's exhausting to read so much rape in yaoi.

    Not sure what to think about it. But I'm still reading.

    Arianna October 1, 2016 3:11 pm
    Maybe.But considering how common this type of rape is and statistics on women...I'm guessing it was just too close to reality. Hell, some of the people complaining may even be survivors or know survivors and if... akuma_river

    but complaining about it on an illegal website is still dumb as fuck. they should have just turned away right after seeing the first page. it was pretty obvious in this one.