If you're a girl I suggest that you don't read this. This is just porn and used to satify ...

Killer J July 16, 2021 6:30 pm

If you're a girl I suggest that you don't read this. This is just porn and used to satify some peoples sexual fantasies and not meant for romance. So don't give your heart in this manhwa(like don't hate it, don't love it, don't feel anything, don't read this). It will not go in the way you want to end. Just imagine that the ending is that he suffured and don't come back here or maybe you're secretly enjoying this acting like your hating it that's why you're keep coming back. Then again, this is a fap material not romance the ending will be probably the mc enjoying his sex with lots of girls. And for those guys who enjoy this, go for it, don't feel guilty and fap to your satisfaction. Enjoying this kind of fantasy is ok as long as you don't do it in real life. That's all and fap till you're dry.
