Krolshi September 30, 2016 5:43 am

Fumi -chan , my poor girl , you can do it ! This is getting so cute and good ~ Yanamori Mika really knows how to write some realisticish stories uvu

And lol after suddenly becoming older than these shougo manga protag , I suddenly feel like a parent chuckling in amusement , face palming , worrying 24/7 and cringing at their child . Like I kinda felt like the crush developed too fast (being alone with a potential partner can do wonders ) and was fretting over Fumi getting hurt ;3;

    Ahiru October 20, 2016 5:07 am

    It's realistic for some crushes to come around within a day or two. Happens to me all the time xD

    Krolshi October 23, 2016 11:45 am
    It's realistic for some crushes to come around within a day or two. Happens to me all the time xD Ahiru

    Damn they act fast xD Single laifu for me tho ;)))