About the charm...

lunarmors July 16, 2021 4:55 pm

So I see everyone is really against the charm, yeah I guess, as everyone should be. But personally I am not against the effect of the charm. I am against the girl. She's just obsessive and unreasonable. Her 'liking' (and that is if THAT could be called liking) towards MC is plain crazy and hateful honestly.

Though as I see it, the charm is helping our MC to set off his ruthlessness. As implied by his uncle, he's part of the 'extremists' in his family. And as I see from the girl's flashback... He's just plainly... Psychopathic? Like he couldn't really feel or relate to others feelings. The only exception was his dad (which still kinda fucked up considering he killed him...) and this charm just adds to his humanity.

    Unkindness July 11, 2024 12:09 am

    Honestly if she wasn’t so weird about it I wouldn’t mind the charm on the mc because dude is ruthless and was extremely rude to her post charm