Ano... what did I just read?

Berrr July 16, 2021 4:46 pm

There's soooo many weird elements in this story!!! Like the uncle, the 'normality' of sex in high school kids but the most weird of them all is the Nap Time!!! Like seriously, what school do that? They don't even do that in nursery or kindergarten here anymore but for highschools?! Lol I want, probably would sleep throughout the class though ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

But seriously, the rape aspect here was glossed over, well, it's a normal trope in yaoi but still not liking how these teens/minors were so engage is sexual desires leading them to rape. I just literally can only shake my head at this point. I seriously believe that what Kozue have is not a physical illness but rather more on the mental side. There were no symptoms seen because he wasn't physically ill. I believe he needs counseling or even psychotherapy with everything he's been through (Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't know if he only got a check up in the hospital and not a consultation interview in the psychward).

One more, the parent didn't even noticed that their child doesn't sleep? Like for a long time now? I really can't about this. No offense but if you're a parent you'll be able to notice even the smallest stuff about your kid, especially how the mom is like overprotective attentive. It just doesn't sit well with me how his 'illness' was not addressed and was rather them ignorant of what the child was experiencing.

Plot was good with all that traumatic past and finding someone who just made them feel at peace and understands them, but the delivery of the story just went awry. There were elements in the story that aren't necessarily needed though. You can disagree what everything I said but this all my opinion and conclusion after reading this. I love the art though. I also somehow like Kuwai's character.
