Thanks for the clarifications! If you don't mind, it would be nice if you were to comment on next chapters as well :)
I was thinking this was supposed to be a constant mind fight among the characters, something witty, you know? But it doesn't appear to be, and having bad translations plus two different versions, didn't help the English release...

It is like that...the manhwa is very witty. And the mind games are not just between the main leads by other side characters as well...soohyun is pulling all kinds of strings to get eunsung out of this situation soon so he can be in his complete control (I.e. be with him forever lol) and eunsung first thought it could be just a mutual benefit deal, but now his motivations have vastly changed - but I won't spoil it since I was reprimanded by people here before when I tried to explain some things :((
Nevertheless it IS what you thought it would, but the translations are really REALLY bad. They just keep getting worse and worse. :(((
I'll gladly correct some important dialogues. I really love this story and characters so much so I'm very sad that English readers can't enjoy this to its best potential :(((

I had no idea people could bash someone for simply trying to be informative and help us get a better reading experience! Sorry you went through that. And I feel like specially for psychological mangas dialogue is SO important, it changes EVERYTHING. Sad to know the story isn’t been shown to full potential for English readers. Idk why the censorship either, I wonder if there’s a substantial public that chooses to read the “all ages” version (because I really feel like most would prefer to get the full ver. Specially on a story where sex plays such a big role ).

Yeah I read those comments too, that's why I ask you there with the right dialogues. I mean I really got curious as to how the real dialogues went and I'm glad I found this one.
So sorry that you have to go through that just because others won't understand how important good translation is in regards to the story.

spoil me too ^^
i also want to know. i like both main characters chemistry in the raw. sadly i can't read korean. and i also feel there something wrong with the translation as the their conversation sound pretty cold and very business like. it feel weird seeing eunsung so clingy to sohyun in the raw seeing how assholes he sound here.

Yes, the dialogues are actually the main reason why this manhwa is so popular. Their voices and personalities are very unique and likeable....soohyun and the sunbae are the one who curse the most, which is an important trait of their personality..
Yeah even if they censored the smut parts, they shouldn't have messes with the translation. The important parts of the story are not just in the sex bits (those are the moments when eunsung and soohyun actually find out some things about the other - like their real selves) though sex is used as a transaction of information on paper haha. Except for in season two where it becomes as something they initate because they wanted to (?) Soohyun has said a couple of times he doesn't like having sex (which the author confirmed that his sexual desire isn't high, except for when he's with eunsung ofc- but that's because he likes seeing his expressions twist and change when they have sex - soohyun doesn't like his "unbotehred and lifeless" face. He gets turned on when eunsung's face shows helpless/vulnerable or frustrated expressions)
They really messed up first by making it into all ages and even after that, the translations are very poorly done. :((( they're not even trying.

NOOOOOOOO, EUNSUNG IS NOT AN ASSHOLE! NOT BY A LONG SHOT! This is why I'm so sad about these translations!! ┗( T﹏T )┛
They're right, eunsung is very gentle and flirty when talking to soohyun - he's like a cat, he teases soohyun a lot, and also stands up to him when soohyun is going on a mad tangent like putting himself in danger recklessly, but he never raises his voice, even when he's mad at him. Even the way they text each other is very different- soohyun tells him "I need to write an article. Come out." And when it's eunsung asking him he says it like, "Should we have a meeting today?// Do you want to meet today?"
Eunsung is the cutest most soft and adorable character ever....
He's so soft for soohyun, I can't tell you...
This makes me so sad!! ┗( T﹏T )┛

Their conversations are about business but they're not like this at all...they sound very American and not really accurately as well..
Eun-soo relationship isn't cold - though soohyun does put up a lot of barriers but in season two, we are seeing his emotional outbursts when he got jealous and almost shouted to eunsung "you are my..." hahaha
Eunsung is not an asshole!!! These translations are very very bad and inaccurate. He's very gentle and polite and caring and flirty with soohyun.... because it pissed him off at first but now he does it very naturally since he's become really fond of him. The change in his tone started after he reveals he knows who soohyun is and afterwards starts calling him "soohyun-ah" which is a very endearing way to call someone close to you. Soohyun got upset at first at him for calling him like that, but now he's used to it I guess hahaha eunsung is VERY VERY cute. The official translations would never make this change in their tone,if only this was translated by a fan, they'd surely add the soohyun-ah part, and add a note. Since it's important to how close their relationship becomes.
hmmmm...I think they're recycling the censored version for the uncensored chapters..
it's kinda hmmm.
1. Soohyun doesn't call eunsung's friend "a dumbass" but rather 문외한, which means an outsider/3rd party, like he said in the last chapter "an idiot who has no idea what the situation really is..." (as in what happened between them at the hotel, and the deal he made with eunsung last time they met) - i.e. he said because a third party (his friend) was involved now or would interfere (?), he wouldn't keep the deal on anymore.
2. Eunsung doesn't say "I'm not exactly hankering to do it with you again. I didn't imagine you'd barge in like this" but instead says "I know I said that, but I don't have intention of doing it with you again so soon. I didn't know/think you were the promiscuous~ type." (Which is said in a teasing tone ofc, since soohyun's "first time" was the time at the hotel when they had sex earlier (eunsung is his first for all the things - first love, first kiss (which soohyun did in this chapter), and first time having sex) - (author has confirmed soohyun was a virgin, and has lower sexual desire than people his age so he isn't keen on having sex before - obviously that changed when he met eunsung again, who is the only person who manages to stir him up (since high school)) - (eunsung has done it a few times before, but he didn't sleep around. Soohyun thinks munseop had his way with eunsung at first (and was his first time) and is pissed - and that's why he violated him as well, since he learnt sex from that maniac. Eunsung doesn't deny it then, but apologizes for ruining his first time, which pisses off soohyun even more, because it implied he was hurt emotionally by that, which he didn't want to admit)
3. To which soohyun replies, "Whose fault do you think this whole situation is? When I think about that time, I start boiling with such rage that I can't even fall asleep. To relieve my built up rage, I need to do with you whatver I want at least once. I need to repay it, twice as hard. Shall we start with the first hit (lit. Translation) /first repayment?" (As in first of the two times he's going to defile him to repay him)
4.He says while holding his face, "It will be worth seeing such a handsome face (lit. A perfect face with no flaws) be covered in tears."
5.And when eunsung challenges him to start taking his revenge with a smirk like he knew he couldn't do it, soohyun doesn't say "Don't underestimate me." Before kissing him, But rather "He's looking down on me."
Which kinda is more consistent with how soohyun perceives himself in eunsung's eyes, that he's always so above him, that he's always looking down on him.
6. When soohyun asks him why he was kissing the other dude back them if they weren't lovers, eunsung actually holds his face and says, "By that logic, I kissed you too, and after having sex, is there something between us now? He kissed me first on his own (that dude from then) Are you jealous? It's kind of cute/ You're kind of acting cute/ you look a little adorable." (*cute squeal* eunsung-ah, my sunshine~ my vitamin~ )
I was kinda looking forward to the mature translations but they really gonna do this again huh...oh well. If they were gonna recycle the same shit, they shouldn't make people pay for it twice.