“aInT sHe sUPPosE 2 bE 18?!1!?1! WHy iS sHe sO wEAk?!” Damn, if you don’t like her then read something else. Y’all sit on this site all day just to read stories y’all don’t like? Find something else to read, no one is holding you here.
Y’all hate to see softer, more timid women in stories but you’ll sit on your fake wokeness talking about “support all women” when you don’t even want to see more timid and soft women, proving to me you’re fake. You can’t support and love “girl power” without loving all types of women. I’m tired of this site and it’s deep hate for women like this, y’all always wanna read the same fucking stories over and over again with the same type of FL.. hyper masculine, loud, always trying to start an argument, and being difficult. Well not all women are like that, not all women WANT to be like that and not all women wanna READ stories like that. As someone who prefers softness over the stereotypical “tough girl” I’m glad to see our FL.
She went back to being a child so it’s not surprising she acts and feels like one. What do y’all want from her? A lot of 18 year olds still act like children because your mind hasn’t fully developed until you’re 25, she was abused and neglected her whole childhood what the fuck do you expect? She didn’t have friends to communicate with, she didn’t have anyone around her so ofc she’s going to be a bit more back mentally than other kids her age. Once again if you don’t like this story go find another one. I’m sure you can find a story like this with someone who fits what you want to read.
“aInT sHe sUPPosE 2 bE 18?!1!?1! WHy iS sHe sO wEAk?!” Damn, if you don’t like her then read something else. Y’all sit on this site all day just to read stories y’all don’t like? Find something else to read, no one is holding you here.
Y’all hate to see softer, more timid women in stories but you’ll sit on your fake wokeness talking about “support all women” when you don’t even want to see more timid and soft women, proving to me you’re fake. You can’t support and love “girl power” without loving all types of women. I’m tired of this site and it’s deep hate for women like this, y’all always wanna read the same fucking stories over and over again with the same type of FL.. hyper masculine, loud, always trying to start an argument, and being difficult. Well not all women are like that, not all women WANT to be like that and not all women wanna READ stories like that. As someone who prefers softness over the stereotypical “tough girl” I’m glad to see our FL.
She went back to being a child so it’s not surprising she acts and feels like one. What do y’all want from her? A lot of 18 year olds still act like children because your
mind hasn’t fully developed until you’re 25, she was abused and neglected her whole childhood what the fuck do you expect? She didn’t have friends to communicate with, she didn’t have anyone around her so ofc she’s going to be a bit more back mentally than other kids her age. Once again if you don’t like this story go find another one. I’m sure you can find a story like this with someone who fits what you want to read.