Here, they want Pearl boy and Painter of the night next

sheesh man i just saw such hypocrites, every fucking mofo starts off with an illegal site in our community, or at some point has used an illegal site to consume the anime and manga media, the absolute contradiction with their actions and their comments seriously, entitles mofos, (I just saw the tweets, it triggered the shit out of me, pardon my language, this is why I don't go on twitter)

Lol. These people on twitter acting like they are so holy but I guarantee these people are 100% pirating some form of media. You're telling me they never watch ANY anime from non official source? Never listen to ANY kpop/jpop/cpop/whatever on youtube except the official MV? Never watched their favorite K-Variety shows from any source except the official? Kdrama/jdrama/cdrama/any series/movie whatever? Bullshit.
And you're on point about manga>manhwa. I admit there's a few manhwa that I really like and will continue to support even if it's no longer on this site but I've never had any interest to read Banana Scandal, Blind Play, Love for sale, Painter of the Night and have zero interest to look for any new manhwa series. Top in Lezhin means nothing when even the smallest Japanese BL can get book release meanwhile even top manhwa struggle to do so. That's how big the disparity of income is between JP and KR manga artist. And yet its KR who always raging. Whatever. I'll just keep supporting the JP series I like and am staying away from manhwa now.

Yeah I totally understand your point I agree I even bought every chapter of most manhwa I read to support authors cuz I know they do hard work... But man I got to know that manhwa through illegal sites ppl promote their work and also tells to read on only legal sites and suddenly the authors send notes to threat lawsuit and court ....its just so disturbing but they are the owners so as they wish we just gotta read something else.... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Damnn finally someone said ittt. Like c'mon you prob wouldn't even know the yaoi genre if it wasn't for a random tik tok vid or a friend who mentioned this or any other illegal site. I would gladly offer my money to creators I support but honey, there is NO moneyyy. Excuse me for having the decency to not spend my mother's money on yaoi which is literally gay animated p*rn when I'm scared to death to come out as gay MYSELF(toxic homophobic household unfortunately)and knowing our financial state. Many people say about free coins and stuff but keeping my mangago account secret is hard enough, let alone a l£zhīñ one that could ask for money at any time . I just wanna read my fave stories and escape reality for a while but oh wellp I guess I'm getting criticized for that by some toxic and unstable authors like YD (Bl*nd Pl**)

Are you fucking kidding me now? Fucking hell. Damn. Why cant... You know what I any got another job just so Incan spend on buying chapters and manga. It's not great pay but I can afford maybe a few chapters a week. I hope they don't remove this. But if they do I'm just gonna have to work to pay and read cuz my dumb ass can't stand being bloody empty shelled curious about the story.
And I'll tell you why I said that.
I mean sure I understand where the authors come from but seriously I don't see any jap manga artist doing this. I'm gonna actually get off manhwa. I only got here cuz the art drew me in and there were some very intriguing stories but I can't keep handling this drama of oh "It's illegal to upload if it ain't official" ummm... I'm sorry if my mum's not Madonna level open minded and I'm not born in Gangnam . I don't have the money or the parent support to buy the content. I'm sorry if this seems like a rant. But I guess we're all feeling the same since we're all in the same boat here. And I hate it when people say if you can't afford it don't buy, gurl dont tell me you never watched something of an illegal site or read something of an illegal site cuz societal norms and an expensive expenditure. Excuse you, for that hypocrisy right there. And don't get me wring I understand what the authors are doing I understand, but I don't support it. How are you gonna expand your reach to millions of people, cuz we all know the reasons why content like manga and manhwa gets traction is mainly cuz it's read ILLEGALLY,and the ones who enjoy your content when finally can afford actually go do that. I don't see no manga writers going hey, don't post that, it's cuz they bloody we'll know that fandom and the (actual spending) supporters grow only when there is reach. I know some y'all gonna come for me. But I got to say what I gotta say. And if you're gonna say put yourself in that authors shoes Lemme tell you I'm a manga artist and an author and Im not even able to get a publisher yet. So yes I understand struggle. So I have been in worse shoes than those polished one that you want me to put myself in. Don't tell me killing stalking would've rocked the stage, or BJ Alex or painter in the night would be so popular amongst international readers if it wasn't also found on sites like this. The support the authors got officially generally sky rockets when the content gets popular on sites like this, cuz there are kid out there with very fortunate wallets and very accepting societies that do afford this the legal way. The other ones like me who love the content try and work our asses off on jobs just so we can but maybe a volume or a chapter so we can support the author our own way and Blimey we do. It takes time cuz there are kids on this site, unlike the budding adult I'm becoming. And it's not even like WEBTOON these sites where they publish, I can't use one account I'm literally using a loophole to buy a chapter per week and if you wanna call that support I guess you can. But like I said. Manga artists don't cause as the drama as the manhwa ones do. They just inherently understand that reach is better this way and support will come with popularity. You don't see ishida, Araki or isayama okay they are shonen fine let's do shojo you don't see nanashi, oda or even miyajima; wanna talk yaoi authors..? Fine let's see do you see Nakamura, asumiko or kizu doing this do you? No. It's generally manhwa authors. I guess the concept of 2000 is when you can really have anything not on the internet has not yet seeped it. No matter what anyone does it's simple readers will find a way to obtain it the way they want to obtain it. There is always a digital illegal copy of their content floating no matter the lawsuits or the lawyers. It's the world we live in the times we live in. And that is understood a lot more by manga authors.
Okay end of rant.
Come at me.
I'll reply to those I can or am interested in.
Go for it.