I'm do glad that it got revealed early ehbe

Nakisa July 16, 2021 12:01 pm

The fact that in repeating myself isn't important-

My boy never got a stable family or even wife,, so his view of life would've be already really twisted but no,, he educated Blanche in a really good way viewing this circumstance,, I'm sure that he'll be a very loving & caring husband when he'll go thru the trauma..

Ngl I didn't expect him to be affected this badly, to the point of not even being able to touch the opposite gender (i thought that it would only be if they're too intimate or when triggered),, my poor boy..

But yeah, to all the person who wronged him in the comments, y'all can see that he actually do his best, he try his best to protect Blanche even if he seem cold bcuz he don't know how to show affection, and he warned his wife right at the beginning, he told her that he couldn't touch her etc, but the villainess loved him in a too twisted way.

Just because he's a man doesn't make him an asshole, he had every right to despise the OG villainess, but y'all made him a bad person because of that.

Y'all can't say that y'all "didn't know" because it was clear that he had issues & felt really guilty when he treated badly the FL, even apologising for it.

    FlameGreyWolf July 16, 2021 5:13 pm

    I just binged the series but alot of the telling signs came up in recent chapters, and in the early ones when Abigail was asking him for a favour it felt like he was just cold and "built/groomed" to be distant.

    Sugaar July 17, 2021 1:21 am

    No hate but, what reason did he have to despise the OG Abigail? I kind of feel bad for the original Abi, at least at the start it seemed like she just wanted her husband’s affection, but for some unknown, to her, reason the night they were married he refused to touch her and ignored her afterwards. That doesn’t excuse how she treated Blanche, but yeah ML kind of did OG Abi dirty from the get go IMO. Oh and I’m assuming that’s who you meant by the “original villainess”. But if you’re talking about Miriam, then never mind cause yeah eff that b.

    ChuYang July 17, 2021 3:47 am
    No hate but, what reason did he have to despise the OG Abigail? I kind of feel bad for the original Abi, at least at the start it seemed like she just wanted her husband’s affection, but for some unknown, to ... Sugaar

    She was warned that he wouldn't touch her after a few suspect behaviors on her part I believe. But she continues to bother him. Then she warns other people to not let her meet Blanche and when she does she gets all up in arms about meeting Blanche and takes it out on Blanche. A mite hypocritical don't you think?

    FlameGreyWolf July 17, 2021 9:22 am
    She was warned that he wouldn't touch her after a few suspect behaviors on her part I believe. But she continues to bother him. Then she warns other people to not let her meet Blanche and when she does she gets... ChuYang

    I have to correct you on the earlier part.

    Both the King and Abigail were married for political reasons, just as how Miriam was married off to him for political reasons (having an heir due to his sickly being).

    The king told her after the marriage that he wouldn't touch her, wouldn't fulfil his duties as a husband, and only expected her to live quietly, ignoring her. This not only confused Abigail since they were to at least look like husband and wife on the outside, what sort of neglectful king is this to do such a thing to her? (Clearly from her pov)

    Due to Abigail's pride from being fawned over as a beautiful lady, she became obesessed over him, trying as probably a personal challenge, to toxicly get the king to fall for her, causing the overlap in behaviour from the previous Miriam.

    Since the King wasn't clear from the beginning, both parties are at fault since he should clearly tell her to stop trying to get him to love her etc. Where OG Abigail was wrong was in the way she dealt with that, and then taking it out on Blanche.

    Obviously the king is not completely in the wrong since he clearly has trauma and has problems with putting things into words in a way where people in his personal life would understand, as he was born and raised as a king (with loads of conditioning from his mother to birth an heir so rightfully so she was imprisoned when he was crowned)

    ChuYang July 17, 2021 12:13 pm

    I don't know what you were correcting? There must be a reason he told her after the marriage rather than before after all.

    If she's not going to stop after he told her that one time I doubt she'd stop if he told her over and over again. And he shouldn't have to expose his wounds in order to have her respect his personal space.

    Which means the fact that she believes she can act one way while believing others have to act another way, definitely says a lot about her character, too (and, yes, I firmly believe it has nothing to do with her abusive trash of a father. If anything she should have figured out from how she hated someone's disrespect of her personal boundaries just how much the king hated her disrespect of his personal boundaries).

    Taefirstwife July 17, 2021 2:55 pm

    Lol not at people defending OG abigail. That woman is an abuser. Plain pure fact thats why she was called as villain. Her husband drew CLEAR boundaries at the beginning but instead of respecting his choice that she harassed everyone else to get his attention, and that included Blanche. Good thing she died tbh

    FlameGreyWolf July 17, 2021 4:41 pm
    I don't know what you were correcting? There must be a reason he told her after the marriage rather than before after all.If she's not going to stop after he told her that one time I doubt she'd stop if he told... ChuYang

    Can you outline the suspicious behaviour on OG Abigail's part? Excatly every little bit, becuase it was more of a "I'm not going to bother you, and just don't bother me" after the marriage part. I don't see where she was acting suspicious until she was turned down and harrasses others, yes that was wrong of her, and she definitely overstepped the king's boundaries many times to get on his suspicious side.

    Other than that I agree with what you said about her. But current Abigail called the king trash so what would that tell you about her first impressions of him?

    FlameGreyWolf July 17, 2021 4:43 pm
    Lol not at people defending OG abigail. That woman is an abuser. Plain pure fact thats why she was called as villain. Her husband drew CLEAR boundaries at the beginning but instead of respecting his choice that... Taefirstwife

    Blanche got the worst of it, with a father who was distant and a step mother who didn't want to see her and would throw a fuss at everything

    ChuYang July 17, 2021 6:16 pm
    Can you outline the suspicious behaviour on OG Abigail's part? Excatly every little bit, becuase it was more of a "I'm not going to bother you, and just don't bother me" after the marriage part. I don't see whe... FlameGreyWolf

    That's my reasoning as to why I said *I believe* she had done something suspect. Because, otherwise, why did he wait until after the marriage to tell her, if the reason he hadn't told her beforehand was not because OG Abigail had done something to him after the marriage?

    So, in other words, my question is why would the king do this:

    - randomly telling og Abigail after their marriage that he wouldn't touch her;

    instead of doing either this:

    - telling her before their marriage;

    or this:

    - telling her after the marriage because she had approached him in some indecent way following the wedding?

    Also the FL basically called him trash because he avoided her touch too, even when it should have been clear that his reaction to her touch was more one of fear than anything else. So it's clear that her opinions are sometimes based on very faulty positions. So, in short, I'd take her reasons for calling the king trash with a grain of salt too.

    Nakisa July 22, 2021 1:07 pm

    Y'all I'm kind of confused by urs comments but I just wanted to add, ofc the ML has some wrong in it, but the way he was hated for it was really too much, so I had to defend it.
    He was educated to be the king since a young age & to never expose his weakness, so he'll seem like a cold person, so yeah he was bound to be misunderstood by the FL.
    He never had someone to told him how to do things right, and he'd rather think as a king rather than a husband & father, which is why the FL is here.
    To help him think like a normal person.

    But the readers could cleary see his odd behaviours & flashbacks, because we have a God POV, which is why I was mad that he was still cursed for something he had no control over..

    FlameGreyWolf July 22, 2021 4:20 pm
    Y'all I'm kind of confused by urs comments but I just wanted to add, ofc the ML has some wrong in it, but the way he was hated for it was really too much, so I had to defend it.He was educated to be the king si... Nakisa

    I understand what you're trying to bring out and about, but I really didn't get why some comments were really bending over backwards defending the king completely. He's a product of his surroundings, and the influence he got.

    Understandably he couldn't tell Abigail properly about how he is not going to touch her and all, but it's not like the met before that or had a conversation alone in a room, how would he have know any behaviour on her part?

    Nakisa July 22, 2021 4:24 pm
    I understand what you're trying to bring out and about, but I really didn't get why some comments were really bending over backwards defending the king completely. He's a product of his surroundings, and the in... FlameGreyWolf

    I don't get what you saying in the end, are you talking about the OG Abigail ? Why he didn't like her ?

    FlameGreyWolf July 22, 2021 4:36 pm
    I don't get what you saying in the end, are you talking about the OG Abigail ? Why he didn't like her ? Nakisa

    Yeah thats right.

    Nakisa July 22, 2021 8:50 pm
    Yeah thats right. FlameGreyWolf

    Well I think it was already explained, he warned her that he wouldn't do his duty as a husband & wouldn't love her.
    They were in a political marriage since the beginning & it was for him to create a male heir.
    He didn't do it, because he wanted to protect Blanche & because he is traumatised by woman.

    OG Abigail who always recieve love & attention from other was shocked that someone refused her, so she used all kind of method to make him "love" her.
    Her love (which is more like an obsession) grew more & more twisted, thr more he rejected her, the more she took it as a challenge to win him over.

    Because she lived all her life thinking that beauty was all that, she never take consideration that her personality was the problem, which is why she abused her maid & banned them if they were too beautiful or wear jewelry, & abused Blanche like the OG story, Blanche was too beautiful.

    So + the way she acted that closely resemble the ML's 1st wife (looking at him with "love", her way of touching him.) + the way she acted toward Blanche, ofc he'd hate her.

    He gave her money & let her do what she wanted as long as she didn't bother him, but she wasn't satisfied with that (it was said at the beginning that she'd even poison herself to gain his attention, & find all kind of trick to abuse Blanche thinking that she was the source of the problem.)

    He was in the wrong for that, neglecting her blah blah, but he clearly warned her & even said that she could get a boy toy or a lover, which showed how considerate he was even after all the shits she had done.
    They were in a political marriage, love was never the top priority, but a divorce would hurt his benefits as he'd surly end up with another marriage, & he'd have to go all the way again with his new wife explaining that he wouldn't love her.


    OG Abigail was truly evil so ig he didn't care if he hurted her feelings after (but I'm not sure bcuz he'd always apologise to the FL when she asked for it, which showed that he still respected her as a human being)

    I think that in getting confused so I'll make it short here :

    I side with the ML, he was already really considerate of her, letting her get away from being a bitch, giving her a lot of money & would even accept if she had a lover & child outside.
    All he wanted was for her to NOT TOUCH HIM, & them to love their own life.

    He don't have to expose his trauma to her & he don't feel comfortable doing so, the FL that reincarnated understood & respected that.
    They sleeped next to each other at the beginning & he never sleeped well bcuz of it, he suffered a lot silently while the villainess just wanted to sleep with him to accomplish something.