I've been reading this for a long time now but....

Chae_Rin July 16, 2021 11:54 am

There's just something about their dynamic that still feels so....rapey?¿
I'm not saying Morinaga is a rapist or anything like that but their dynamic is still so like push and pull I still wonder sometimes if they're even properly dating even though I know they, right guys?
From what other readers have said senpai has mellowed out but honestly I don't see it, he's still so tsun tsun and in denial, and if it was me y'all I wouldn't wanna be in a relationship where my love isn't reciprocated, and not just that, but not having certain bedroom acts being reciprocated as well

    A paranormal July 16, 2021 2:00 pm

    Well some acts are reciprocated for example senpai has initiated a few kisses with morinaga and he even rode him until completion. The only thing he has done back is a bj