exactly. they excuse is that “there are many ‘small people’ out there irl and we don’t even know the age of the ‘boy’ (base on the summary) so why’re you assuming things” but the boy is literally drawn to look like a child.
“he’s an adult, he just looks like a child” no shit sherlock?? i don’t understand what they want us to explain when they can literally see everything.
I understand being malnourished can lead to being underdeveloped and having a growth stunt -- but don't call people 'idiotic' for thinking the cover art is weird.
I myself thought it was a deadass child. n secondly how is anyone supposed to know they were malnourished if they haven't read the book??? people are valid to believe "wtf is the cover art"
I didn't read it by the way but let me say, the cover art don't even look like he's malnourished. he literally looks like a kid.
and yea I'm not gonna read the story so don't bother in saying "THEN don't read it"
some of y'all are weirdos too "so what if he looks like a kid he's still a adult" do you not know how weird that sounds