Please help me. This is what I understand

Haze_k July 16, 2021 9:14 am

So, I finished the anime. And I'm quite confused to understand what is going on, Wakaba reincarnation and become the spider right? And then she evolve to become a commander(as we know the pretty white hair lady kyahh!! She's soo pretty!) Ehem- and she fight the elves right? By demon lord side(as we also know it's Ariel) and they team up since our lil spider put something in her head, that's why her intention to kill our lil spider reduce right?

But, I don't understand when it comes to part her classmate. Especially in the episode 24, the lil spider dead right? And then she hatched again? Then Ariel comes to rescue by fighting Pilomas who is also not just elves but a terminator(?) Lol, but... She also show in the fight with the elves but different timeline right? Then what about her classmate? The new hero(I forgot his name) and his comrades who is also his classmate and his teacher is still alive? Cause in the end of the episode, Ariel and his commanders just walk but not in a battlefield?

    Byol~ July 16, 2021 11:07 am

    I just also finish the anime, so here's my theory... That kumoku and shun/her classmates are on different time lines, that's why in episode 24 kumoku is already on her full human form (elf war) and earned the loyalty of the blood-sucker baby (Sofia) and her butler Merasophis, who's fighting with shun on episode 24.

    I dunno I'm also confused that's why I'm going to read the manga( ̄∇ ̄")

    Byol~ July 16, 2021 11:07 am

    I just also finish the anime, so here's my theory... That kumoku and shun/her classmates are on different time lines, that's why in episode 24 kumoku is already on her full human form (elf war) and earned the loyalty of the blood-sucker baby (Sofia) and her butler Merasophis, who's fighting with shun on episode 24.

    I dunno I'm also confused that's why I'm going to read the manga( ̄∇ ̄")

    Kai-chan July 16, 2021 11:22 am

    It's either you have to read the novel or look for spoilers to understand the manga/anime. ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Name July 16, 2021 1:30 pm

    I think she hatched because she used the skill she stole from her mother right before the devil attacked her with abbys(not sure) magic when they talked after Ariel appeared on the fight between the Potimas and Kumoku she said that she can kill her because the eggs already hatched and for shun and his party I think they don't know what's going on he is clearly confused and they are still alive because on episode 24 Sophia said they they can't kill the reincarnations(idk shun is stupid and dumb)

    Chgef July 16, 2021 5:52 pm

    The anime follow the webnovel and it’s on two timelines. Since wakaba was a spider it only takes 3 or 6 month before her birth. The other are human so they live on human time. So when she is still a spider is when the other one are babies. So we will learn how she became friends with demons and became a god and fight the elves. When she is a god, so the second timeline it’s during the big battle for inhaling the elves. After the season they show in the anime, it will show only one timeline. And we will learn why she do all of this and how she met the other classmates. There more details in the novel and it’s easy to understand the world they live in.

    Milan July 17, 2021 9:32 am
    I just also finish the anime, so here's my theory... That kumoku and shun/her classmates are on different time lines, that's why in episode 24 kumoku is already on her full human form (elf war) and earned the l... Byol~

    they are in the same timeline but since wakaba is a spider, she matures much faster and become stronger, but they are in different timeframes, so
    Wakaba’s POV: Past
    Shun’s POV:Present