
Ami July 16, 2021 4:10 am

THE SEX WORK HATE IS STILL KICKIN' HERE, HUH. Y'all have a lot of audacity hating on porn stars while reading a smut manga.

Things that are okay: Not wanting to date a porn star because of your personal preferences, and inability to separate your feelings from their work. That is okay! Nobody's forcing you to date a porn star, people!

Things there are NOT okay: Shitting on pornstars, or acting as if they're being unfaithful to their partner. People need to earn a living, and some do it through the porn industry. Just cuz it's not for you doesn't mean you have the right to attack them for it. Them doing it affects you negatively in literally 0 ways. Zilch. Nada.

As long as both parties in a relationship are open/honest and consenting, and of legal age - then there's no issue. What they choose to do is NONE of your business. Pornstars are just as much people as everyone else, and to say otherwise is shameful.

PS. I triple dog dare one of you pornstar-antis to do something like try to battle me with bible quotes or something to (try to) make a point. I could smoke you seven ways to Sunday if you tried me.
A (yes, still religious) pastor's daughter, who will proudly defend sex workers to the grave.

    Ami July 16, 2021 4:12 am

    Anyways Jun is a little bitch for assuming Natori would be okay with seeing his partner at work without asking him about his personal feelings first. Testing people like that isn't an accurate test, it's just being a dick.

    Ami July 16, 2021 4:23 am

    I also really hope the antis are mad I didn't allow anon comments because I've learned my lesson about that on this site.

    Kacos_34 July 16, 2021 4:33 am

    I don’t know who you are nor have I seen the rest of the comments yet but I love you. Preach girl!

    Yeah as someone who’s always thinking about being with one person and one person only. I def had to remind myself in this story, that it is just a job and he’s making a living and that as long as they respect their job but also prioritize (as in time ofc) their partner, then it’s all good

    yuki July 16, 2021 4:41 am

    yes ure so right

    Ami July 16, 2021 5:27 am
    I don’t know who you are nor have I seen the rest of the comments yet but I love you. Preach girl!Yeah as someone who’s always thinking about being with one person and one person only. I def had to remind m... Kacos_34

    Exactly,'s totally fine to choose not to date a sex worker for personal reasons - yet these people don't realize nobody's holding them at gunpoint telling them to date a sex worker cuz they read a manga about one

    Sex is a deeply personal thing for *me*, so I wouldn't do it with someone that's not my partner (whom I'm engaged to), but that's a personal choice for me, and everyone's just gotta do what's best for them. Personally I was just happy to see the couple communicate about feelings this chapter - that's what really matters here ^^

    Kacos_34 July 16, 2021 7:55 am
    Exactly,'s totally fine to choose not to date a sex worker for personal reasons - yet these people don't realize nobody's holding them at gunpoint telling them to date a sex worker cuz they read a man... Ami

    Totally agree! And yes! I’m glad they communicated, tbh I’d say communication is especially important in their relationship bc of his job as a sex worker.

    being that sex is such a pivotal point in yaoi and partnership, it would seem more controversial, emotionally, then in others stories. However, even though my personal preferences as well, I would not be in a relationship with sex worker—it’s important to understand the thoughts and trust in THEIR relationship

    I really think ppl are taking their personal preferences as fact too much in this, might I add, legally aged, consensual relationship