
Yeah, and that's the reason Millie doesn't confront her mom. She understands that her mother is actually trying, she didn't forget about her birthday or something like that, she just doesn't understand her daughter. Her mother was probably away for so long and Millie was so perfect at everything that she didn't actually need to actively meddle in her daughter's life and grew complacent.
i mean, it seems like she's a good financial provider. i think she works hard for her daughter to have everything she needs but, like, she's focusing too much on making money and providing for millie that she forgets that millie doesn't just need(or want) her money, and fancy food and gifts. millies just wants her mom to be there for her, not act like she knows everything about her (i'm talking about the gifts she gives her) when she's never around. like, you don't have to be there for your child 24/7. just be there when it matters.
(i just feel the need to say this before yall hate her for being absent. but like im not dismissing anyone who feels what millie feels yall are valid and your feelings matter. also feel free to call me out on my bullshit if need be hehe (=・ω・=))