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Chriskaylex September 28, 2016 6:54 am

Although this story was cute between Tai Chan and Maa Chan, there's a bigger aspect. Tai has the typical mentality for the abused. They often become people that try so very hard to please people. They've learned to never get upset...cuz it means a beating. Must please people to avoid a beating. So very sad. His parents are ASSHOLES. And people in the community that stand by and let it happen (maa's parents) are absolute jerks.

    Anonymous September 28, 2016 10:57 am

    pretty words.. but in today's society.. if you see your neighbor berating his own son and beating him.. will you go forward and's not right to hurt your son? pfft.. it's easy to say that people who stood by and don't do something when they see injustice is a jerk.. but it's also none of your business to butt in.. you're spewing righteous bulls#%^.. lol

    Lady P0ny September 28, 2016 8:10 pm
    pretty words.. but in today's society.. if you see your neighbor berating his own son and beating him.. will you go forward and's not right to hurt your son? pfft.. it's easy to say that people who stoo... @Anonymous

    said someone who only has the guts to criticize as an Anonymous. If you really want to discuss the story without being an ASSHOLE, make a profile and stop acting superior to others.

    Chriskaylex September 28, 2016 11:42 pm

    I have reported child abuse. No one should sit by and accept child abuse. That's not a righteous high horse position, either.

    lenalena September 29, 2016 12:47 am

    Japanese people are very private people. It's the culture. If you see something like that happening in Japan, it is very common for neighbors and sometimes even extended family to keep their mouths shut and not get involved. I wouldn't say you are spewing righteous bullshit, but you do have to understand the culture of Japan when you read Japanese manga.

    Chriskaylex September 29, 2016 1:15 am

    Just because it's part of someone's 'culture' doesn't make it acceptable. Human sacrifice was part of a culture also. Culture is changeable. Child abuse was, and still is, largely ignored in this country also. I worked in pediatric intensive care, with a lot of child abuse cases. Sorry, but this topic is very close to my heart.

    Lady P0ny September 29, 2016 1:34 am

    I'm with you, sister.

    Chriskaylex September 29, 2016 1:44 am

    Thank you @LadyP0ny!

    anaaga September 29, 2016 4:25 pm
    Just because it's part of someone's 'culture' doesn't make it acceptable. Human sacrifice was part of a culture also. Culture is changeable. Child abuse was, and still is, largely ignored in this country also.... Chriskaylex

    I see and and understand what you mean, but we have to remember that that is the kind of lifestyle they are accustomed to (hence the word culture). In their culture, they are very sensitive when it comes to privacy, and family matter is one of those privacies. Despite of the blatant abuse, the unwritten rule is not to meddle unless the family member asks to due to their strict privacy policy. When such thing becomes a normal lifestyle, even doing the right thing will be hard to do (or maybe won't even cross their minds at all!). Heck, maybe the concept is something they see as something unacceptable even.

    Yes, they are not right, but they are not 100% at fault either because that's the kind of lifestyle they know, understand, and accustomed to. When it becomes a part of one's life, it will be hard to change it. For them to change, it will take years, maybe even hundreds of years.

    Chriskaylex September 29, 2016 4:29 pm

    It's been 1000s of years. Japan and her culture has been around far longer than America.